Anticipate debut of Romanian born, multilingual kpop Idol!

  • mayna.jpg

    Nationality: Romanian
    Ethnicity: Chinese

    Stage name: Mayna
    Birth name: Shaoxi Mengna
    Spanish name: Simone

    Born in Romania, was living in Spain, her parents are from Zhejiang,
    She can speak Chinese, Korean, Spanish and Romanian.
    She was a trainee under Yuehua, part of "legendary" YH Girls with such big names as Xuan Yi & Meiqi (WJSN / Rocket Girls 101), contestant in Produce 101 China, she ranked 54th

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    She rate her visuals as 8/10.

    She will debut in Hot Issue, new girl group created by CUBE founder under new company S2 Entertainment.

  • I remember her from Produce 101 China! She was named Mena back then.


    She's on the upper left corner. The middle two are Xuanyi and Meiqi from WJSN. The bottom two are Ruihan and Zhang Xi participated in Youth With You 2 (where Lisa was mentor.) Mena, Jinger and Junya were lost to history -- until now with Mena :)

    I missed them so this is great!

    Why do I watch survival shows? This!

  • Nationality: Romanian
    Ethnicity: Chinese

    how is this even possible?


    Her parents are chinese and since she was born in romania I guess she got the romanian citizenship

    yap in many European countries if parents are there legally and have some business or are working for this example under/co-operating with Romanian company then it's natural to give a child nationality from the country in which it was born.

  • Nationality: Romanian
    Ethnicity: Chinese

    how is this even possible?


    Her parents are chinese and since she was born in romania I guess she got the romanian citizenship

    I'm pretty sure it's like this in most countries throughout the world. If you're born while residing in a specific country, that's your nationality. Just how certain celebrities, such as Jessica and Tiffany, are American because they were born while in the United States. Ethnically they are still Korean.

  • 05riaha  bartkun  littlemissnoname

    no, i wasn't talking about that. :) the definition is the issue.

    i'm from serbia, a homogenous country which is also romanian neighboring country, and here ethnicity and nationality mean the same. nationality used in the bio is citizenship here. you cannot be a minority, any minority including white, and have the nationality of majority. for example, slovaks (who are also white) have lived here since 1700s and nobody would ever identify them as serbs, not us nor them, they are proud of their slovak nationality

    waiting for didi to answer this question. or if you know someone else who's romanian, @ them :)

  • 05riaha  bartkun  littlemissnoname

    no, i wasn't talking about that. :) the definition is the issue.

    i'm from serbia, a homogenous country which is also romanian neighboring country, and here ethnicity and nationality mean the same. nationality used in the bio is citizenship here. you cannot be a minority, any minority including white, and have the nationality of majority. for example, slovaks (who are also white) have lived here since 1700s and nobody would ever identify them as serbs, not us nor them, they are proud of their slovak nationality

    waiting for didi to answer this question. or if you know someone else who's romania at them :)

    ah chingu listen not always you can have everything in your ID/passport... for example some of my great-grannies were living in land which is now in Ukraine, but then it was Polish land... what does it make me? Things are complicated this is what it is :)

    not mentioning that I'm actually even now an Silesian even tho I'm living in Poland, and as well I'm a Pole. And I also can't put this anywhere on paper because Silesia isn't autonomous region but just an voivodeship.

  • Nationality: Romanian
    Ethnicity: Chinese

    how is this even possible?


    People are right. Her parents are probably Chinese but she has Romanian citizenship as she was born here. But there's also the truth you mention, and that is most people would not consider her Romanian, no matter if she was born here, since she doesn't "fit it".

    Anyways, the theoretical definition agrees with the Romanian nationality and Chinese ethnicity (just like gypsies here have Romanian nationality and Romma ethnicity), but practically, in the public eyes she doesn't really pass as a Romanian if you asked a rando on a street (even if they know she was born here).

    But nevermind that, WTF 8| I saw "Romanian K-pop idol" and my mind went empty! This is cool! And it says that she speaks Romanian <3

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