Rosé badge have been claimed 27 times which is the highest amount of any idol? She is the most popular idol here?

Rosé is the most popular idol in AKP?
Baekhyun badge have been claimed 7 times, he is nugu here!
And yet both his custom badges have sold out
Deserved.. I feel also bc there is a lot of blinks here.. but where are they lately? I even posted about snowdrop to see them but
Well if u know u know
Deserved.. I feel also bc there is a lot of blinks here.. but where are they lately? I even posted about snowdrop to see them but
Yes there re many blinks in this forum...
Sometimes calm and cool blinks or others annoying
Well soon 60 M followers on YouTube
Deserved.. I feel also bc there is a lot of blinks here.. but where are they lately? I even posted about snowdrop to see them but
Yes there re many blinks in this forum...
Sometimes calm and cool blinks or others annoying
Well soon 60 M followers on YouTube
Even when they are annoying they are fun... and you are the best wizone!!! Stan stayc too
Baekhyun badge have been claimed 7 times, he is nugu here!
Ppl have to like a badge to claim it lol. It’s not just popularity.
Ppl have to like a badge to claim it lol. It’s not just popularity.
Well, it was joke.
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