Disclaimer: this is just my opinion so I don't need fights here
This is something I think ever since their debut so I'll share now!
In kpop we have amazing concepts, songs, members, eras, I know!! But with NJs this is in another level. They were really well planned, there isn't one sec where I think "uhm, I think this was rushed" with them.
The members and concept: this is like a buy 2 pay 1 like it's together always so they all match their concept, they all felt perfectly fit for it, it's like either the concept was already planned and they chose the girls or they chose the girls and created the concept based on them. That's how much it matches them. There isn't a single era where 1 member looks out of place, it fits them like a glove.
Music: their music is totally connected to their concept and their age (let's forget that one song here please....) so when I listen their song while watching their MVs or performances I just go "PERFECT". There isn't a single thing wrong, in the wrong place, with the wrong vibe, nothing, nada!
Their merchandise: this one is new to me as I don't keep up with merchs that much, but NJs created a whole new world for this. Their merchs are so good that even non fans buy it bc they are so beautiful, creative, different from what I saw in kpop like the bags?? It's amazing how even their merchs go viral bc of how beautiful they are. TOP TIER service matching them. You can see NJs merchs and you'll know it's theirs.
Promo wise: they did a lot and all they did were positive to their image, concept, to the members. Their promo strategy looks kinda perfect for me. They have a really great team that did their best for the group.
I could say more, but by mobile it's already looking like an essay
Anyways, I'm not saying our faves were thrown in the kpop world without plans, BUT I think MHJ created so much materials for NJs like she was ready and she knew what to do. Music wise, fashion wise, brands wise, collab merch wise, collab wise, she chose everything that would add up to NJs perfectly. I obviously felt like this with others kpop groups, but not through all their debut/cbs either music, promo, visual wise, etc, so yeah, for now this is something that just NJs made me feel like.
That's it