I can’t speak about the Korean side, so I’ll say this from an international fan's perspective.
For now, many hybe stans simply can’t grasp the reality that no huge corporation is saintly and that they’re on the evil side. They still think the company is the legacy of their idols, when in reality, idols are just mere slaves to the corporation. They’re in denial, thinking everyone is just jealous of the faves and wants to bring the company down to sabotaging the success of the group.
They remind me of the old Big 3 stans back in 2nd gen and early 3rd gen. Those stans used to be unable to handle any form of criticism about their company and were very defensive especially sm and yg stans who used to be insufferable before. These days, Big 3 stans are more chill and don’t really defend the companies over idols anymore. Obv there is always exceptions but the volume is not as huge as before. They criticize the companies and no longer see these corporation as all rainbows and sunshine. I guess hybe company stans are still in that phase. So, I’ll let them be because, just like with the Big 3 stans, reality will hit hard, and they’ll realize hybe isn’t worth defending whole this times when it’s their faves’ turn.