I don't understand the logic and reasons behind sabotaging your own group

  • I mean if I were a CEO of a company and wasn't satisfied with my group, then I would rather disband the group, let the idols go and try to debut a new group again. That's what I would do because I feel that is the most logical and most human thing. But why are some companies so petty and crazy? Is there any logical explanation? Envy? Jealousy? Just being cruel for the sake of looking down on your own artists?

  • But why are some companies so petty and crazy? Is there any logical explanation? Envy? Jealousy? Just being cruel for the sake of looking down on your own artists?

    Because if idols get too big it is hard to control them. They want successful groups but they don't want their groups to be more successful than the company.

  • BP, Chuu, Mijoo, are examples where individual members get so popular, they can priorities themselves over the group. At the end of the contract its harder for the company to maintain the group and get everyone in the group to renew.

    Twice is an example, where JPYE did not do much individual promos. They all renewed.

  • another reason is if you don't want to be known as a one-hit wonder company, and yes i'm talking about hybe.

    Imagine building a whole empire, worth billions of dollars, but all your succes is (rightfully) credited to one group. Imagine what that does to an arrogant and narcissistic CEO? The whole mhj vs hybe issue started because bang pd was so desperate to create another bts that he granted mhj whatever she wanted. i have been saying this for ages, but bangs pathetic desperation has caused bts a lot of damage.

  • because everything comes down to money!!!

    cb costs money and every company needs to think about getting a return on that money - it's not just a mere pro/con analysis but rather will my investment generate a reasonable return given the opportunity cost of not doing anything...

    for example I have two groups A and B

    A has sold 500K or thereabouts for the last 3 cb

    B has sold about 100K or thereabouts for the last 3 cb

    (assuming ceteris paribus)

    obviously from a company perspective it's better to invest in A

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