Who is worse racist ignorant one or someone who knows it?.

  • Who is worse? 4

    1. Informed racist (4) 100%
    2. Ignorant racist (0) 0%
    3. Don't say both (0) 0%

    I happen to know both type of individuals, don't say both are bad or something, I want to know who is worse in the two.

    I find ignorant one more racist as they think they are good people, and their most annoying trait is when you tell them they are racist in certain situations and they don't agree with you, then retaliate. They also have half backed knowledge about the stuff and think it's fine to claim if something is racist or not, also their racism is conditional.

  • It's a very complex issue. If someone is ignorant of the racist assumptions they hold and don't consciously believe in qualitative differences based on ethnicity or skin color, obviously that person will take offense if they're called racist. I mean you probably would too(wouldn't want to assume as some people have enough epistemic humility to acknowledge they could very well be ignorant). That does make educating someone about ways in which they have bought into racist arguments and assumptions quite difficult, and it can feel like they are even more resistant to change than someone who embraces racist arguments wholeheartedly.

    There's also the issue of defining an individual one way or another based on a subset of beliefs that, for the case of an 'ignorant racist' I would have to assume don't include the principal defining belief. How many racist premises or arguments do that have to have bought into to be coined a racist? When people feel their entire being is attacked, particularly in a stigmatized way, they will tend to react all the worse for it. At the same time, the goal is obviously not to preserve peoples' egos but to educate them and rid the world of racism, so it's a tough dilemma.

  • It's a very complex issue. If someone is ignorant of the racist assumptions they hold and don't consciously believe in qualitative differences based on ethnicity or skin color, obviously that person will take offense if they're called racist. I mean you probably would too(wouldn't want to assume as some people have enough epistemic humility to acknowledge they could very well be ignorant). That does make educating someone about ways in which they have bought into racist arguments and assumptions quite difficult, and it can feel like they are even more resistant to change than someone who embraces racist arguments wholeheartedly.

    There's also the issue of defining an individual one way or another based on a subset of beliefs that, for the case of an 'ignorant racist' I would have to assume don't include the principal defining belief. How many racist premises or arguments do that have to have bought into to be coined a racist? When people feel their entire being is attacked, particularly in a stigmatized way, they will tend to react all the worse for it. At the same time, the goal is obviously not to preserve peoples' egos but to educate them and rid the world of racism, so it's a tough dilemma.

    But who you think is worse doe? Btw my ignorant racist are those mild racist who actually think they are very anti racism, but that makes it very hard to fix their ways when compared to let's say a informed racist as in they mature and understand how hurtful can their words generally be, they can change their ways, i have met such people who were racist as they never knew the consequences their racism had, once they saw they changed dramatically, won't say their inner thoughts might've changed but their outer actions did.

    But ignorant ones are very hard to fix, they double down on you with ridiculous self made facts and stories to justify and intensify their racism. I found few beyond repair and worst part they think they are some saints.

  • Informed racist as it includes the superiority complex. Latest example is NY Governor Kath6y Hochul remark on Computers. It reeks

    I just looked it up... she said black kids in the Bronx don't know what a computer is... SMH

    This is giving me AOC vibes, they first made polices where public schooling was destroyed and now they don't want to have accountability so they will just put whole race under the bus.

    Btw I never even considered these type of high profile racists, i actually had normal regular people in mind when making this thread.

  • NekoMencer

    Changed the title of the thread from “Who is worse racist who is ignorant or racist who knows it?.” to “Who is worse racist ignorant one or someone who knows it?.”.
  • Regular folks - a lot of the racism claims are bogus. US has gone through growing pains over the years with Racism. Sixty years ago was a major turning point. Blacks and Whites for good or bad have an entire Country's history in common. One can't live without the other at this point.

  • I posted this like within a month of me being here??? lol

    Knowledge - The Lounge - allkpop forums


  • This is very detailed and very complex thread, I don't think anyone here would notice the effort and "knowledge" it requires to make something like this.

  • This is very detailed and very complex thread, I don't think anyone here would notice the effort and "knowledge" it requires to make something like this.

    insightful and interesting and thoughtful threads barely hit two pages my friend

    make a thread like OMG BTS are washed up or BP is disbanded etc etc and you'll be hard pressed to hit under 10 pages lol

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