The current structure of the HYBE headquarters building seems so embarrassing

  • The current structure of the HYBE headquarters building seems so embarrassing

    The current structure of the HYBE headquarters building seems so embarrassing…ㄷㄷㄷ The-current-structure-of-the-HYBE-headquarters-building-seems-so-embarrassing-571x1024.jpg

    The 16th floor is ADOR

    The 15th floor is Big Hit

    The 14th floor is Belift Lab

    War is happening between the 16th floor and the 14th floor

    1. The most surprising thing is that there is no separate floor for BTSㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    2. If the employee did nothing wrong, why should they be embarrassed?

    3. The top floor of the building is not Big Hit’s but ADOR’s?

    4. What does this have to do with Big Hit?

    5. I think the cafeteria would be the most awkward place

    6. Wouldn’t it be awkward if they took the elevator together?

    7. They can meet in the elevator

    8. Well, does it matter if they are downstairs or upstairs in the same building? I also work without knowing what teams are on other floors in my company

    9. But I heard that Min Heejin was also in charge of designing the office building. That’s why ADOR is on the top floor

    10. What are employees embarrassed about? They just gathered on the stairs and complained to each other

    11. Why doesn’t Big Hit use the top floor?

    12. I thought Big Hit would use the top floor, but no

    Original post (1)

    The current structure of the HYBE headquarters building seems so embarrassing – Pannkpop

  • What's with the logic why you wanna be at the top floor?? My acrophobia kicking in :cursing: :cursing:

    Higher floor is considered more important...

    Omg Ador over Bighit?

    Never expected Ador will get highest floor.


    HYBE headquarters was founded in March 2021. ADOR wasn't established till November 2021. By the time ADOR was established, I reckon everyone else must have settled on their respective floors. So when ADOR was established, they must have just moved whatever department was operating on the 16th floor and gave that floor to ADOR instead of moving everyone. Simple.

  • And to think that bts is ok with it, says alot about the boys!

    they built hybe but still..🤷‍♀️

    Im surprise that bts didn't choose 13/flr, u know the significance of no 13...

    nah, it's just because they're the newest company founded under Hybe, so everyone else already settled in or Bts choose the floor themselves. I don't even think any idols care about that too

  • Translations of all the various levels:

    19 – Forum, Cafe, Garden

    18 – Cafeteria

    17 – Welfare Facilities

    16 – ADOR + Libary

    15 – Big Hit Music + Libary

    14 – Belift Lab + Libary

    13 – Pledis Entertainment + Fitness Zone

    12 – Offices + Fitness Zone

    11 – KOZ Entertainment + Fitness Zone

    10 – Source Music + Libary

    9 – Offices + Libary

    8 – Binary Korea + Libary

    7 – Supplies, Storage

    2-6 – Choreography Practice Rooms, Studio, Music Studios, Etc., Special Facilities Related to Entertainment

    1 – Lobby

    B1-B2 – Practice Rooms, Etc., Special Facilities for Artists

    B3-B7 – Parking Lot

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