What do you think about the United States?

  • I think it's great because of the diverse culture from people all around the world.

    ~~ :red-heart: QUEEN SUNMI :red-heart: ~~

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  • Everything has its ups and downs but as a photographer I think its pretty, I've been about five times now (Arizona, 1 Orlando).

    I want to go back to Orlando though cause when I was a kid - early teens I fell off the side walk really bad and got hit in the head with a baseball, and that's all I can remember from the trip so I want to change that lol

  • Hit it!

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    Everything has its ups and downs but as a photographer I think its pretty, I've been about five times now (Arizona, 1 Orlando).

    I want to go back to Orlando though cause when I was a kid - early teens I fell off the side walk really bad and got hit in the head with a baseball, and that's all I can remember from the trip so I want to change that lol

    I'm in Orlando and happen to own a baseball, if you're ever feeling nostalgic. 8)

  • They supply weapons to Israel while gutless anti-semetic racists boycott companies that provide millions of jobs to people that don't give a sh*t about Israel (or Palestine for that matter)

    Actually that's not America's fault but if those protesters want to be taken seriously then stop picking on Idols that drink Starbucks Coffee while ignoring the actual issue

    Edited once, last by jimeous ().

  • I think it's great because of the diverse culture from people all around the world.

    Sure is.

    I live in the U.S., enjoy my job, work for a great company (German owned), and I have 4 subordinates that work for me - a Caucasian, Hispanic, Ethiopian, and an African American. All great team members. I'm all about diversity. :-)

  • A lot of nice people and some not so nice people, like all countries.


    -Lots of people are quite warm and friendly when they meet new people. None of that British Standoffishness

    -Like to have fun and make things fun

    -Lots of people are quite community minded and happy to help

    -Generally don't like class systems and don't respect status unless it's based on merit.

    -Good at setting up streaming companies and making content. Let's be real, most of us have at least one American streaming service most of the time.

    -Lots of tech know-how.

    -Good at friendly chats.

    -Lots of different subcultures.


    -Want to spread American culture abroad, but get very gatekeepy when it's the other way around.

    -Sometimes bad at losing against other countries in whatever field and then quick to accuse them of cheating instead of accepting that they're not always number 1 gracefully.

    -Trump and his cult.

    Edited 3 times, last by Fansamy ().

  • I think it's great because of the diverse culture from people all around the world.

    What I think:

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    "You can troll on your main and we have plenty examples of that" (c) Ves


  • They supply weapons to Israel while gutless anti-semetic racists boycott companies that provide millions of jobs to people that don't give a sh*t about Israel (or Palestine for that matter)

    Actually that's not America's fault but if those protesters want to be taken seriously then stop picking on Idols that drink Starbucks Coffee while ignoring the actual issue

    I dunno when and how in their minds HAMAS turned from bloody Islamic terrorists to freedom fighters for democracy

    "You can troll on your main and we have plenty examples of that" (c) Ves


  • Boring imo. Maybe because I’m Canadian but our streets look the same, houses look the same, cities look the same…there’s just nothing that interests me there I guess.

    I’ve been there so many times and there’s really not much imo. The idea of going to more far flung places like China, Japan, Korea….. that excites me a lot more.

    I’m gonna keep it 100% real with you, Asian cities are 1000 times better than pretty much any western city. They got cheap food, entertainment….pretty much everything.

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