ADOR CEO Min Heejin Does Interview Proving She's Light Years Ahead of the Industry

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    MHJ will always have her vocal dissenters, but no one can deny her creative brilliance and commitment to her vision.

    I also hope these types of interviews will quiet down the honestly ignorant comments and misperceptions of NewJeans' concepts or the notion that the members themselves aren't a large part of their success story.

    You can't listen to MHJ go into explicit detail about how granular and nuanced their casting choices were and still walk away thinking just any trainee would fit the team that became NewJeans

    It was also very humble of her to admit that they are under pressure to continue to deliver after accomplishing everything they wanted to in 2023. By any measure, that's an impossibly difficult year to top, but if anyone can pull it off, it's this CEO, her staff and this group.

  • I don't agree with one thing here

    the pressure

    we all know how kpop works

    due to their previous songs everyone can anticipate that they will take #1 on charts and even what's more important that they will really have huge, huge, huge sales

    the early success already set this group, that's the truth, in their case not even two but three consecutive BAD releases could make an impact

    but for now, no pressure.

  • I respectfully disagree. This isn't NewJeans specific either. It's human nature.

    If you achieve what many perceive as a pinnacle accomplishment in your career, there is pressure for your next work to be at that same level, if not surpass it.

    The truly great ones always feel pressure to remain great and be even greater.

    Tom Brady, the greatest player in NFL history, was often asked which Super Bowl win was his favorite out of his historical 7 wins. His answer was always:

    "The next one"

    And when you're at the top, you become the standard and can quickly become a victim of your own success, because sometimes you can set that bar almost impossibly high even for yourself.

    For NewJeans specifically, 2023 is objectively the best individual year a girl group has had in K-Pop history. Clearly MHJ has gone through great lengths to make sure they don't feel the weight of expectations from a year like that, and she's taken measures even to safeguard herself.

    Becoming successful is just a part of the journey. Maintaining success is another challenge entirely, and most fail miserably. Just look at ATTRAKT and FiftyFifty

  • please Yama let's not compare sports to KPOP...

    yeah you might become a victim of your own success, but you will still make money from it meanwhile in the sports you mentioned you can lose contract, or for example even be relegated with team to lower league...

    those are very big differences

    like I said there is no way for NJ to suddenly become nugu or even mid tier

    even if next songs won't be as good they will still be high high, at the very top, I would even say at the podium, medal position if you really want to compare it to sports

  • please Yama let's not compare sports to KPOP...

    Why not? I see more similarities than differences between sports and K-Pop.

    Let's frame it this way.

    An athlete can have an absolutely record breaking, dominant year that rewrites the record books, winning them league MVP honors unanimously.

    The next year they could still be REALLY good, great even, but not break as many records or dominate at quite the same statistical clip, but people will say "this season was great, but not as otherworldly as their MVP season last year. Maybe someone else should get the award", even if they're still objectively better than their peers.

    Nobody thinks the athlete suddenly turned into a bum, but they became a victim of their success and the expectation they'll duplicate or exceed what they accomplished previously.

    That is the type of pressure MHJ is speaking of. Nobody thinks NJ will fall off a cliff; their brand is too big for that to ever happen, but the pressure to continue to be dominate at a pace we've never seen from any K-Pop group is real.

  • like I said there is no way for NJ to suddenly become nugu or even mid tier

    even if next songs won't be as good they will still be high high, at the very top, I would even say at the podium, medal position if you really want to compare it to sports

    i don’t really care about competition in kpop and who’s supposed to come out on top bc this isn’t a sport, but that’s a very naive and frankly wrong assessment you have regarding “podium positions”. I can guarantee you no athlete who has tasted the glory of earning gold medals is ever satisfied with only winning silver or bronze medals later on. The well-mannered ones will be polite and cordial towards their fellow medalists, but not a single one will think “oh well I didn’t win 1st place again but at least i still got a medal”. That’s a mindset only people who have never been in their place think they’ll have, ie. fans lol.

    Kpop / the music industry is a different thing tho so I won’t comment on that. I do think a number of musicians/artists who used to be mega popular and on top of the world are gracious about newer acts inevitably surpassing them on charts/trendiness/popularity. But there’s definitely not a small subset of them who are bitter about that too. It’s human nature after all.

  • i don’t really care about competition in kpop and who’s supposed to come out on top bc this isn’t a sport, but that’s a very naive and frankly wrong assessment you have regarding “podium positions”. I can guarantee you no athlete who has tasted the glory of earning gold medals is ever satisfied with only winning silver or bronze medals later on. The well-mannered ones will be polite and cordial towards their fellow medalists, but not a single one will think “oh well I didn’t win 1st place again but at least i still got a medal”. That’s a mindset only people who have never been in their place think they’ll have, ie. fans lol.

    Kpop / the music industry is a different thing tho so I won’t comment on that. I do think a number of musicians/artists who used to be mega popular and on top of the world are gracious about newer acts inevitably surpassing them on charts/trendiness/popularity. But there’s definitely not a small subset of them who are bitter about that too. It’s human nature after all.

    this is why I said that we shouldn't compare it to the sports in my first post in this thread :)

    besides in sports you get injured by direct competitor

    here this doesn't happen, and there are ton of other different things

  • this is why I said that we shouldn't compare it to the sports in my first post in this thread :)

    besides in sports you get injured by direct competitor

    here this doesn't happen, and there are ton of other different things

    i mean from the first sentence you said that a popular group will not be pressured in sustaining the same level of success anymore bc their next products will always make money for them, even if at a lower level, right? That’s where you’re already wrong bc that’s not how capitalism works lol and no ceos will outright claim they’re okay with not growing profits with every single dime they have. The people in charge of creative outputs in those companies definitely feel the pressure from the higher-ups, it’s just a different type of pressure from those struggling to make ends meet.

    Sure from a financial perspective nj will never have to work another day in their life if they don’t move want to and they’ll still sell records if they put out farts, but you’re disregarding the fact that at their level, they aren’t striving for the same thing as the nugus. Their reputation and pride are also on the line with their products, and those criteria matter more to them than simply making a few quick bucks. Of course for greedy ceos and shareholders and whatnot, profit is the only thing that matters, and the artists have to meet their demands somewhat, but they themselves definitely don’t care about making money as much, especially those who are passionate about their art. So whichever aspect they deem more important to them now (be it artistry, quality, popularity, success, or whatever) that’s what’ll matter to them the most. And for someone as meticulous and ambitious as min hee jin, she definitely cares to stay on top of the field whether it’s art direction or success. That’s another type of pressure she has: with herself. That was the point i was trying to make.

    I know you didn’t bring up the sport comparison yourself but i was trying to address the mentality that you think “gold medalists” have

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