You don't care about the music, only about the drama here
u just now figured that out 💀
I had to make a thread about it to earn akorns
And I thought maybe someone would say something about it -
I bring I bring all the
I bring Dramamama
With my girls in the back-
pls listen to this thanks
it's a cool remix of DramaExternal Content youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
I like what I post tho
positivity never gets as many views or traction as negative threads...
it's the same here as it is on the internet as a whole
the other issue is also drama and any kind of fighting naturally carries a conversation.
If I post.... say a visual thread. I may get a few "she's so pretty" and that's the end of the conversation.
Of course there are also alot of fun of positive threads that I don't see posted anymore. It just has to be any topic that includes all fandoms. Things like which member of your favs would survive a zombie Apocalypse. Or at least threads like these used to work, with the current active users in not so sure now.
I mean… it isn’t obvious
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