Idols Sleeping Inside The Company At Night Time & Using Their Free Time To Hang Around The Building?????

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    I happened to randomly click on this Live and watched some of it.

    Jungwon and Jay were at HYBE and on Weverse Live at around 4am in the morning Korea time.

    They said they were there for work, but also they like to chill and hang out inside the building because they are "rarely" there these days because of being on tour overseas a lot.

    The thing that gets me is, do they stay awake the whole time they in the building????

    Or they just sleep on the couches or practice room floors???

    Maybe there's some air mattresses in HYBE we don't know about.

    But I'm confused why idols don't just go straight home after they are done everything.

    I'd be up outta there so fast :pepe-shoooketh:

  • I think many idols kind of are used to that 'owl' lifestyle

    here is a thing

    they need to wake up at 2-3 am during time of promotions

    so when I was following many groups through the years I've noticed pattern that later on when they are for example training or preparing for comeback instead of going to company at 8 or 10 AM they usually sleep long and go to company at 2-3 PM or even later and stay there to late hours sometimes even to 2-3 AM

    it's ridiculous overall and they are basically 'killing' their own rest time, and gaining that 'sun' time during the day because of it

  • Yes they have places to sleep not sure if the small labels have them but big labels like HYBE sm yg have these small resting rooms for the artists they have a couch that turns into a bed= futons. Besides that they have the multiple artists lounge which have comfortable couches chairs etc plus the various practice rooms which doubles as exercise rooms so it's not uncommon for them to have mats and other stuff in the storage rooms adjacent to the practice rooms. Plus these rooms and floors are highly insulated so they don't hear any loud noises ie recording booths and studios. This makes the place even more comfortable. Plus The area artists train at is separate from the rest of the employees. Example HYBE floors 3 through 6 are artist only so only the artists and their managers and s few select staff have access codes and key cards for those areas besides that the members of whatever groups have full reign of these multi thousand square footage floors to do whatever the hell they want. The only thing monitoring them is security and that's mainly to ensure nobody died,got hurt burned something down or an intruder entered the wrong floor. Plus these places act like mini cities as they have a small clinic for minor bumps and bruises first aid kits and full on restaurant cafeterias and cafes plus their own fully stocked gym facilities. Most idols don't need to leave work. So it's no surprise if enhyphen decide to stay at the agency.

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