Who do you think will win the nomination for the Republican Party?

  • On the Democrats' side, we have Joe Biden and Dean Philips.

    Marianne Williamson quit the race for President.

    On the Republicans' side, we have Donald Trump and Nikki Haley.

    Forbes described her path to the Republican nomination as "nearly impossible". As of now, she has 17 votes out of 1,215 needed to win the nomination.

    Also, there was a tie in the south of New Hampshire in the primary.

    ~~ :red-heart: QUEEN SUNMI :red-heart: ~~

  • Looking at Urban and Rural, Trump bias shown in both. State Capital Concord biggest urban area with Haley bias. State Trump 54%, Haley 43%.

    I find urban and rural bias most interesting aspect of biases. Who are Big City favorites. Big Cities get most per capita Governmental benefits. aka Big City folk like big government.

    New Hampshire is hard to to see these differences.

    Trump will be the GOP nominee by all indications.

    DNC is less democratic deciding their nominee. A third of the electors is reserved by the party. Rest is up to voters. Results in the primary are skewed, Biden will be the nominee.


    Edited 2 times, last by 4NIA4 ().

  • Unless his name gets off the ballot.

    My understanding some States in a last ditch effort are trying to take Trump off the November Election Ballot. Primary ballots during Spring and early Summer have less consequences on the Party nomination.

    What their trying to do is highly irregular and latest example of TDS. They want to actually damage the elections for all time in order to keep Trump out. Heads will explode if Trump is elected president. Guess it will be entertaining seeing extreme TDS on display.

    FYI its Trump this time, it'll be someone else next time. Have to start writing in candidates cause the State deemed their unworthy to be on the ballot. its BS

  • My understanding some States in a last ditch effort are trying to take Trump off the November Election Ballot.

    I wonder what would happen if Trump is off the November ballot, because if he is not on the November ballot, maybe his Vice President (VP) pick would be the Republican nominee, or Haley would be the Republican nominee instead.

    ~~ :red-heart: QUEEN SUNMI :red-heart: ~~

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