I love K-Pop, but I'm still learning Korean. Right now, I can speak only American English and 1 other language, but I love watching sitcoms too.
Any ideas on what I should choose (actor or singer)?
I love K-Pop, but I'm still learning Korean. Right now, I can speak only American English and 1 other language, but I love watching sitcoms too.
Any ideas on what I should choose (actor or singer)?
Hm I guess you have to consider the different types of projects, promotions you would do in Korea and how to get started. But also knowing how compeitve it is and knowing a lot of hardships will come with it.
I follow a lot of soloists most ranging from different and former idol groups (for example Hong Eunki) who I really admire and respect for not only keeping up to date on his Spotify with releases despite being an actor, but his solo activities.
While solo singers I enjoy like Moon Jongup, Jeong Sewoon, and more. But something I will say for solo singers who are nugu or just unknown, it's hard to get viral releases. Sewoon hasn't had a lot of music show wins since 2017 but has sold out different fan meetings including his latest one in 2023. His clip of his song '10 minutes' is a crowd of fans singing a lot and is totally a suggestion!~
While the solo singer B.I set up his own company to handle his activites with his industry connections and in order to pursue what he wanted to pursue. (I think he removed himself as ceo just to focus as an artist but still under 131).
Some members of a group I love called BlockB and BAP, some have seperate hobbies in order to afford their dream of an indepdent artist. (One owns a cafe, one owns a wine and resturant business, while one streams fishing (cute right? lol), and Zelo from BAP is a dance instructor , Bang Yongguk doesn't have a lot of music releases but he is often the solo producer. If you like music, have you looked into learning instruments or music producing? So many free resources on youtube I would look into. (Within reason of course, never overwhelm yourself with new hobbies. Take it slow).
There is also popular actors I like named Choi Wooseok, Jung Hae In and Choi Hyun Wook who have a good range of appearances, lead roles and other roles that give a lot of variety to not only their resume might appealing to many fans.
I watch a lot of dancing challenges like 1 Million Dance Studios (famous in Korea), and other channels like that often offer dance classes to help your skills. Maybe consider looking into something like that in your area to see if it's something you would like? After all if you are going for a singer in korea (either group or solo) this could be seen as a trainee requirement at some point.
I guess what I'm trying to say is you have to look at it from both angles and look into different activities or hobbies that might help you choose one path or the other, but no one is saying you can't do two! (as long as you focus on your health!!)
I love music, film and photography myself, and have connected with many people with the same interest who have given me tips and or connected me with others who I should talk to. Connections are always important and making sure you can establish a presence is another important thing.
With all that said, never forget about your health and to view yourself in the most positive light that you can. The entertainment industry is tough, and never push yourself to to much. Whatever happens, you gott this! 💪🏻
It is 3:25am here, so please excuse any mispellings adn if I repeated something, having something you enjoy is the best thing you can do. But don't forget other hobbies and setting reasonable goals for yourself, being an influencer or an indepdent artist may always be an option to. Everything has difficulties, but with the right people in your corner and a support team, anything can happen. 😊
If I want to sing something easy, it's probably the Two and a Half Men theme song because it's only 4 words: "men", "manly", "oooooooh", and "haaaaaah!"
For me I personally find acting a better career choice. It's my lifelong dream to become an actress. As a singer I feel like if your not genuinely talented in singing and you don't have a unique and trendy music style then you won't make it in the industry, it's very competitive, same with the acting industry. But I feel like it's easier to go to acting classes to learn to act, than it is to learn how to have star quality and be a superstar.
Display Morecan you sing?
can you act?
are you somewhat conventionally attractive?
can you dance?
can you rap?
I guess the question is what talents do you have
Maybe I could do subtitles for Korean songs if I am ever fluent in Korean.
just do both
singer be better . And i would like to be the doctor, I want none of the people to get sick and everyone to live happily. To feel healthy, it is important to take care of yourself, because sometimes in everyday life problems burden us. Many people now trust their health and medical condition thanks to painful pleasures customer service. It is important to share your health with other people, especially trusted ones.
who wants pain??
singer be better . And i would like to be the doctor, I want none of the people to get sick and everyone to live happily. To feel healthy, it is important to take care of yourself, because sometimes in everyday life problems burden us. Many people now trust their health and medical condition thanks to painful pleasures customer service. It is important to share your health with other people, especially trusted ones.
bot opphar is a sadist!!
MK3AM That bot will go away.
may sadist opphar bot RIP
Be an actor.
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