JYP reacts to his own infamous recent stage which left actors and idols speechless

  • hahaha

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  • Lmfao, I cannot stand that man. Especially after he eliminated Sodai and Christina from A2K and Nizi Project season 2.

    However, lol...I love how he can take criticism in stride and keep it going.

    After years of being in this industry, his skin is thick and tough as nails and...hate to say it, but he keeps things interesting.

    JYP, sorry to say, but your singing is very much mid with or without your throat being sore (we all know that was an excuse); however, love how you challenge yourself and keep it moving no matter what people say. That's how artists (especially ones as established as him) should be.

    But yeah, still can't take him seriously when he is coaching and critiquing vocalists on those JYPE survival shows.



  • Iโ€™m shocked he eliminated Sodai. Itโ€™s like Nina not being in NiziU. Watching part 1 of S2 I was so sure Sodai would debut.



  • Iโ€™m shocked he eliminated Sodai. Itโ€™s like Nina not being in NiziU. Watching part 1 of S2 I was so sure Sodai would debut.

    Yeah, unfortunately, I think it was 1,000% a visual based thing.

    Sodai was literally the only super talented singer on Nizi Project 2 worth having the main vocalist position.

    Yuu is a good singer, but definitely did not have the strength or range of Sodai. People also said that maybe Yuuki will take over the high range parts that Sodai would have been in charge of, but still, he does not have the power Sodai would have brought.

    Honestly, I get it. Some people just don't fit the image or concept JYPE goes for. They are a company, so they want a group that will sell at the end of the day. If they did not think Sodai fit the image or concept, that's fine.

    HOWEVER, I hate how they already have in mind the people they want to pick, and they try to gaslight the viewers in order to justify picking those people instead of just being honest! Instead of just saying that Sodai did not fit the concept or image they wanted for the group (to avoid backlash of course), JYP overly criticized his singing and technique to try and convince the viewer he wasn't ready to debut. Despite the fact he was the BEST vocalist on the show from the beginning.

    He did the same shit with Gina! And, what makes it so obvious is that he goes out of his way to criticize and nitpick the talented kids they already decided they didn't want in the group, and then in the same breath, will gas up the contestants who just aren't AS talented (cough So Ken and Kendall cough). THAT'S what pisses me off. The obvious bias that everyone can see, and they act like we are stupid and don't have eyes to see someone ain't that great of dancer or ears to hear that they can't sing. No shade to So Ken and Kendall. They are both decent and seem like sweet people, but no way you can convince me they are better singers and dancers than Sodai and Gina.

    Sorry, I went on a rant there. But, since A2K and Nizi 2 happened back to back, it got me heated seeing them do the same thing on both shows. I was going to do a thread about it, but knew no one would respond lol. Instead, I'm ranting here. Either way, I plan on following the Nizi boys since I love Yuu and Haru, but I'm gonna forever be bitter about Sodai.



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