Did Hybe make mistakes with their girl groups' game collaboration? Overwatch song suits Nj while LoL concept fits Lsf

  • Gods is not Newjeans style and Perfect Night definitely not fit with Lsf usual sounds. LoL song is such a badass song that aligns with Lsf whole concept while Overwatch song is very Newjeans-y. It fits Nj girls image so perfectly.

    Both groups did a great job with their existing song, but swapping songs would've played to their strengths better imo. So, did Hybe make a mistake with the collaboration and give it to wrong groups?

  • You missed the part where league of legends’ company riot specifically requested nj for gods, and wouldn’t consider any other artist. Even if hype wanted to switch the ggs, they literally couldn’t, so the premise of your question is entirely moot lol

  • Gods is not Newjeans style and Perfect Night definitely not fit with Lsf usual sounds. LoL song is such a badass song that aligns with Lsf whole concept while Overwatch song is very Newjeans-y. It fits Nj girls image so perfectly.

    Both groups did a great job with their existing song, but swapping songs would've played to their strengths better imo. So, did Hybe make a mistake with the collaboration and give it to wrong groups?

    Hybe's whole music production and strategy has been a mess recently. Either their singles are just unimpactful, stunted, or plain bad, or they end up choosing the wrong songs to feature while letting B side bops whither away. Both Gods and Perfect Night were mediocre and unimpactful.

    LSRFM actually did this kinda sound with Impurities. Hybe shoulda saved that megabop for a feature like this or as the title for a separate comeback but they wasted it as a B side, and ended up having to settle for Perfect Night. They also chose Unforgiven for their title song (which wasnt THAT bad, way better than Bluebeard), but they let songs like Fearnot, Fire in the Belly, and Flash Forward whither away.

    As for NJ and Gods, i just cant get behind any NJ song except for OMG. Minji is singlehandedly carrying the group with her charm and hilarious personality.

    Hybe seems to desperately want that Cupid/Off the Record/Say So sound but just cant seem to make it work. Ive has got that sound on lock with Afterlike, I Want, and OTR.

  • NJ surprisingly did quite well with Gods and would sound better with Perfect Night. LSRFM would nail Gods but they were so out of place with Perfect Night. Maybe because both songs are in english that I lean more towards NJ as they are currently better at the language.

  • As for NJ and Gods, i just cant get behind any NJ song except for OMG. Minji is singlehandedly carrying the group with her charm and hilarious personality.

    Hybe seems to desperately want that Cupid/Off the Record/Say So sound but just cant seem to make it work. Ive has got that sound on lock with Afterlike, I Want, and OTR.

    This take is soo wrong. Off the record was released like a week ago and no newjeans song sounds like say so or Cupid. They also have the best discography from all girlgroups. At least saying that only omg is good is an unpopular opinion. Seeing how much streams they get, they don’t have to change anything.

  • Gods is not Newjeans style and Perfect Night definitely not fit with Lsf usual sounds. LoL song is such a badass song that aligns with Lsf whole concept while Overwatch song is very Newjeans-y. It fits Nj girls image so perfectly.

    Both groups did a great job with their existing song, but swapping songs would've played to their strengths better imo. So, did Hybe make a mistake with the collaboration and give it to wrong groups?

    Yeah, LSF suits Gods better and NewJeans suits Perfect Night. LSF has fierce/epic/strong vibes and NewJeans has chill/Y2K/retro/soft vibes. They should’ve swapped songs. NewJeans does not suit LoL at all lmao. Perfect Night suits LSF more than Gods suits NewJeans though. Perfect Night sounds like LSF chill songs (Blue Flame, Impurities, etc). NewJeans has no songs that sound like Gods. That being said, I like both songs. They’re both bops

  • nah i’m gonna be real lsrfm could not vocally handle a song like gods. i don’t think nj is a significant vocal group, but they are able to hold their own in more challenging songs.

  • NJ surprisingly did quite well with Gods and would sound better with Perfect Night. LSRFM would nail Gods but they were so out of place with Perfect Night. Maybe because both songs are in english that I lean more towards NJ as they are currently better at the language.

    Perfect night is exactly in the same lesserafim vibe. They have chill songs too, in case you are not aware of. Blue Flame, impurities, good parts etc

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