God doesn't exist... 100% sure

  • God doesn't exist, and if you say no he does cuz you experienced something in your life that you consider miracle... Then know their millions out their who dont experience those miracles but in contrast they experience horrors.

    I wouldn't talk about news, but just know that I muted the news cuz I couldn't bear to continue witnessing that, but god all knowing he all hearing, he supposedly is just and don't allow injustice or mass deleting of innocent people, but apparently their something wrong with his internet connection if he not getting the same news we been hearing or did he also mute his news cuz he can't bear it.

    I hate god, and don't care he doesn't exist to me and I am now 100% sure he doesn't.

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  • I think God exists but just doesn't seem to give a fuck. Almost every religion will tell you hes testing you etc but that's a lie when you apply logic to it. Think about it you are this omnipotent omnipresent being you can do anything and know all things. Why are you "testing" something or someone when you already know the results. That's like you burning a piece of paper to see if or how it burns, but why would you burn it if you know 10000% that it's going to burn the exact same way it did before there's zero chance it will be different because you 100% know it's going to be the same regardless of circumstances. So again why do it?

  • That's the same thing that made me end up not believing in god. It's also that god's existence doesn't make sense to me anymore, and neither is there any good evidence. Every evidence of god's existence that has been believed for years is debunked every other day.

    One thing I'm happy about not believing in god is that I don't believe in ghosts either anymore. So maybe it's not all that bad.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • Mmm. I never saw any good evidence about the existence of a god. And all the sacred books, the bible, Coran, THe Tora, ect, etc. are bullshit.

    Yes - for the first time ever in history the collective wisdom of humanity complied over millenia has been instantly swept away by the insight of a disgruntled teenager. ^^

  • religion was made by middle aged men to cater society to their whims, used often by monarchs to justify their hereditary power, and often propagated by killing and raping other clans into submission and forcing their religion on them

    dont see why anyone would see it as a positive thing in the first place

    u r m o m g a y


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