The thing that annoys me the most about 50/50 is...

  • that they struck gold. 99% of kpop companies suck ass. Even big companies suck at managing their artist. 50/50 not only had a good CEO who cared about them they also had a global hit, they were on the Barbie OST for gods sake. When the news first came out everyone (including me) was on 50/50 side simply because we have seen SO MUCH SHIT from kpop companies that we automatically believed them. And now all I can do is look at them and go "what were you thinking?"

    And I feel for the CEO the most, all the people mocking him as dumb piss me off so much. He was a small business owner who put his all into his work and got a knife in the back for it. I'm sure so many nugus from small companies must look at 50/50 and rage because how could you fumble the bag that badly? And I don't blame 50/50 for all of it since obviously the parents had a say in this as well. Honestly if I was them I could never forgive my mom.

  • Their Producer scammed them and fed them lies. Unfortunately, since he was managing them and around them 99.9% of the time, they believed to him.

    The CEO is no angel either.

  • I mean isn't it obvious for everyone even with WhyKnock that the girls were manipulated/scammed by The Givers and that all their actions were prompt by someone from behind the scene which is obviously Ahn Sung Il cause they were not part of the lawsuit the girls made.

  • Well I do see both sides and understand why the girls might have wanted to do what they did...

    everyone and their grandmas know that the first kpop contract most idols sign is heavily slanted towards the company I'm guessing the members thought they could use the hype and fame gained from cupid to renegotiate their contract or at least force the company's hand into a better one or just get out of that contract completely...they probably thought the public would be with them...

    now hindsight dictates that it backfired but nevertheless it was worth a shot???

  • Well they may have written history, they may be forever knows as the biggest 1 hit wonders in the history of Kpop.

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