is it a turn off for you if your partner listens to the Joe Rogan Podcast?

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    My boyfriend watches him all the time, should I be worried? :check-bee:

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    My boyfriend watches him all the time, should I be worried? :check-bee:

    OIIIII :holding-back-tears:

    I only watch the episodes for the guests, one can’t deny that Joe pulls the best guests.

    He’s had so many astrophysicists, rogue scientists and UAP conspiracists on so it can get either really educational or just pure madness. It’s entertaining!

    But I don’t agree with his stupid bro-science crap at all :*

  • 1) i don't believe in polls and studies. They are even biased or people lie

    2) Why would be a turn off. His guests are from different fields, listen to the ones you find interesting

    There's a reason his podcast is one of the most popular podcasts in the world

  • the question is how does the show affect your bfs personality and character?

    everybody is free to consume whatever content they're interested in

    the question is does that content or those thoughts affect him as a person?

    does he spew toxic shit (or adept at hiding it?)

    does his views on the world align with yours?

    etc etc

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