Incels have made up the majority of mass shooters in recent years. In the latest incident a white incel killed Chinese and Korean sex workers at 3 different Asians Massage Parlors (AMPs). Incels are men that women find physically unattractive yet believe they have a god given right to sex and love from women. Their bitterness turns to extreme hatred against women, and eventually to deadly violence. As with the AMP killer, he paid Asian women for sexual services but once his money ran out he realized nobody wanted his incel ass.
Unfortunately, due to the soft, hypersensitive coddling modern society we are in, these incels have multiplied into millions. In the past they would have known their place as genetic dead-ends or died off in some wars. Their main targets are usually women. And when they plan their murders they want to kill as many of them as possible. Even Twice Nayeon was in danger from an incel that was stalking her and threatened to kill her if he found out she was dating.
Right now incels are trying to organize into an "incel rebellion". These millions of incel men could easily turn into terrorists, but instead of fighting for religion it will be for unfulfilled sexual desire.