LISA now holds 7 GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS! She is the K-Pop Idol with the MOST Guinness World Record
Changed the title of the thread from “LISA now holds 7 GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS! She is the K-Pop Idol with the most MOST Guinness World Record” to “LISA now holds 7 GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS! She is the K-Pop Idol with the MOST Guinness World Record”. -
Arguably the most successful female idol
Arguably the most successful female idol
Naur she flopped on melon
Naur she flopped on melon
All her life she's been flopping so she's used to it
All her life she's been flopping so she's used to it
She's a big flop yay
not here to discredit Lisa, just want to let you all know that Guinness is a pretty shit org and that if for whatever reason you want to go for the world record you need to pay them to certify and fly someone to you. Also they have close to 0 knowledge in multiple technicle fields so sometimes you can just get false world records. Anyway congrats LiSA but kinda fuck guinness
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