It was business as usual with individuals posting "criticism," but some of the remarks ended up being vicious rather than critically polite. Fans of the group defend them, certainly.These people would explain their blatant cyberbullying with statements like "they're rich, they'll be okay," which are cruel comments. Suddenly, their level of wealth determines how their mental health will be.When will some of you realise that harsh remarks can affect people of all socioeconomic levels? Numerous celebrities experience sadness as a result of hateful internet comments.Furthermore, believing that idols and famous people are unaware of the hate campaign against them is irrational. Particularly considering how this specific group has previously discussed how tough it was for them to deal with nasty remarks.
"oh im sure blackpink is not affected they're rich" "wonyoung is popular afterall this thing would not bother her" just why ?
Just stop using their wealth and success as a justification for offensive remarks.