Can you be completely honest in your fandom?

  • or do you feel like you would be judged and even accused of being a fake fan?

    Could you admit to being a multi? What if you're a multi who biases another group first? Would you be accepted still?

    Could you express a negative opinion about your faves? What if you disliked their latest cb? What if you didn't think a performance was up to par? Could you say that or would you get bullied or shouted down?

    Does it make a difference if it's in a public place vs a fandom only space?

  • Do you feel like you have a different experience with your fandom here than elsewhere like twitter or reddit? I think Twitter fan spaces can be super toxic.

    hm..all the good armys left this site honestly and i dont interact with the ones left here much. i find armys more enjoyable on twt than here tbh.

    i dont touch reddit cause that place is a hell hole regardless. but i do have a small group of armys i talk to on discord, they're pretty great. we can talk about anything without jumping each other.


    (she/they/no her.) most sane hobi fan

  • I'm always honest but sometimes I regret that cause I feel like other army's are judging me even tho maybe it's just a feeling and not reality

  • Yes, I can be completely honest as that is what I am. If I don't like a group's comeback or song, I will say so. I'm not going to hold back just to appease the rest of the fandom. If they don't like it, it's their problem. I only interact with people here as I don't have social media. I'm not going to sugar coat the issue just to stay good with other fans, that is just silly imo.

  • honest opinions within a fandom? hell no lol

    I feel like I did have to learn to be a bit more careful about expressing my opinions when i got into kpop. At first, i was totally open about things i loved and didn't love about my faves but that seemed to upset people. It generally doesn't bother me when people criticize my faves unless I think they are doing it with bad intentions, like to be insulting or create fan wars. But it seemed to hit sore spots so I try to be gentle with my opinions for the most part.

  • Have you run into issues with others when you are?

    Um, I’m not active on stan Twitter so no, not really! On Stan Twitter, I could probably tweet something as innocuous as ‘BTS seem to enjoy instant ramyeon’ and someone somewhere would be quote tweeting me, calling me an ancient hag fake fan who should be exiled (and possibly executed at dawn).

    On here, if I’ve voiced my opinion, people have often bluntly disagreed but I’m not rude about things, so no, no real issues. But then, I don’t expect that everyone should agree with my opinion either, which helps!

  • hm..all the good armys left this site honestly and i dont interact with the ones left here much. i find armys more enjoyable on twt than here tbh.

    i dont touch reddit cause that place is a hell hole regardless. but i do have a small group of armys i talk to on discord, they're pretty great. we can talk about anything without jumping each other.

    I lot of people have left unfortunately. I wish it had only been the bad ones, but we lost many great ones too from a lot of different fandoms.

    It's really good when you have a private place to talk with fellow fans that are friendly. It does allow you to be closer and more honest.

    Hmm, i don't frequent reddit a lot but I don't think I've noticed that much toxicity there.

  • I'm always honest but sometimes I regret that cause I feel like other army's are judging me even tho maybe it's just a feeling and not reality

    Oh it's definitely reality. Lol I'm just kidding. I do feel like we (i mean humans) can feel like people are judging or laughing at us when nothing is actually happening. I get self conscious a lot myself. If people actually had a lot of issue with you, I think they would be vocal about it so you would know <3

  • MOAs are pretty chill so I don't hesitate to be honest.

    Army... Nope. But I always am anyway, which is likely why nobody on here views me as an army anymore, eventhough BTS were the sole reason I joined akp.

    Insomnias are also super chill. Never had an issue.

  • Yes, I can be completely honest as that is what I am. If I don't like a group's comeback or song, I will say so. I'm not going to hold back just to appease the rest of the fandom. If they don't like it, it's their problem. I only interact with people here as I don't have social media. I'm not going to sugar coat the issue just to stay good with other fans, that is just silly imo.

    And when you do, do you feel like you get flack or no?

  • Um, I’m not active on stan Twitter so no, not really! On Stan Twitter, I could probably tweet something as innocuous as ‘BTS seem to enjoy instant ramyeon’ and someone somewhere would be quote tweeting me, calling me an ancient hag fake fan who should be exiled (and possibly executed at dawn).

    On here, if I’ve voiced my opinion, people have often bluntly disagreed but I’m not rude about things, so no, no real issues. But then, I don’t expect that everyone should agree with my opinion either, which helps!

    Ramyeon? Seriously? Kidding. Yeah, stan tweet is a hellhole lol

    I have seen you around a lot and think you do express thoughtful opinions in a polite way. It's nice :)

  • Um, I’m not active on stan Twitter so no, not really! On Stan Twitter, I could probably tweet something as innocuous as ‘BTS seem to enjoy instant ramyeon’ and someone somewhere would be quote tweeting me, calling me an ancient hag fake fan who should be exiled (and possibly executed at dawn).

    On here, if I’ve voiced my opinion, people have often bluntly disagreed but I’m not rude about things, so no, no real issues. But then, I don’t expect that everyone should agree with my opinion either, which helps!

    omg same I feel like the most problematic army's on twitter are solo stans. I tweeted to a jimin fan that j hope is also the main dancer of the group because she was underestimating j hope and multiple users got so mad at me for it and assumed that I'm a jimin anti

  • MOAs are pretty chill so I don't hesitate to be honest.

    Army... Nope. But I always am anyway, which is likely why nobody on here views me as an army anymore, eventhough BTS were the sole reason I joined akp.

    Insomnias are also super chill. Never had an issue.

    It doesn't matter how anyone views you. If you feel you are a stan if a group and in a fandom, no one can say otherwise. Man, that's one of my triggers tbh. I hate fans that think the can gatekeep the fandom. They'll say you aren't in the fandom or call you a fake fan. It's such bs tbh. There are no rules for being a fan. If you love the group, that's enough....

    ...I might have strong feelings about this. Sorry :oops:

  • Ramyeon? Seriously? Kidding. Yeah, stan tweet is a hellhole lol

    I have seen you around a lot and think you do express thoughtful opinions in a polite way. It's nice :)

    Thanks. :* I enjoy reading your posts too!

    But seriously, I think if you are generally secure in yourself, then it doesn’t matter so much to you if other people come at you for your opinions. Disagree with me all you want, and do it respectfully and all is good. If a load of people started jumping on me and insulting me, I am quite happy to stand back and let them show themselves as asses in public!

  • omg same I feel like the most problematic army's on twitter are solo stans. I tweeted to a jimin fan that j hope is also the main dancer of the group and multiple users got so mad at me for it and assumed that I'm a jimin anti

    I said once that JK was the strongest vocal so it made sense to me that he gets a lot of lines and I was accused of being a JK akgae I was like? Akgae? I'm not even in your fandom... Then i backed away slowly.

  • omg same I feel like the most problematic army's on twitter are solo stans. I tweeted to a jimin fan that j hope is also the main dancer of the group because she was underestimating j hope and multiple users got so mad at me for it and assumed that I'm a jimin anti

    the solo stans on twt are so toxic :skull: like you can appreciate both of them as dancers


    (she/they/no her.) most sane hobi fan

  • Fandoms are a collective. I don't know and never will know a majority of the people in the fandom; their opinions aren't important enough for me to truncate my own thoughts.

    So I'm personally honest whether people like me or not.

    Is know?

    투모로우바이투게더 방탄

  • the solo stans on twt are so toxic :skull: like you can appreciate both of them as dancers

    Sometimes you get the flipside though. You feel forced to appreciate both equally. If you happen to like one more and maybe support their activities more, you're called a fake solo stan even if you love the others too. To some, everything has to be forced to be even or apparently you might as well be an anti

  • Did you used to be just ArmyBlink? When did you add Once?

    And yeah, multis have it rough sometimes. I can't even count how many times I've read "don't trust a multi" as if we're spies or something

    yeah I used to be ArmyBlink0 when I joined the forum. Twice became my ults a while after so I added Once summer of 2021.

    Yeah it's tough being a multi, getting judged all the time, people on here who have no idea who you are telling you that you don't truly stan ur favs and that ur "faking it".

  • Yeah

    this doesn’t have to do with fandoms it more just on me, like I feel bad if I give negative opinions sometimes even with groups I don’t know. I just don’t want it to be misinterpreted or like sounding rude.

    If it fandom only or in private it’s easier cause your with people u r comfortable with so it’s different but like if u don’t know people I kinda worry ;(

  • Do you feel like you've ever been judged for that? Or are people pretty accepting no matter what you say?

    I've gotten dogplied by both moas and armys on twitter for speaking the literal truth that people didn't want to hear about stats and other info. Now there are some opinions I won't tweet out because I would like to keep my twitter account lol, but I'm pretty unfiltered. Not that I'm super negative or rude, just super blunt. If people have a problem with me online, oh well. I'm likely never gonna meet you and if numerical facts upset you, then you have a personal problem with me pointing them out.

    Is know?

    투모로우바이투게더 방탄

  • Yeah

    this doesn’t have to do with fandoms it more just on me, like I feel bad if I give negative opinions sometimes even with groups I don’t know. I just don’t want it to be misinterpreted or like sounding rude.

    If it fandom only or in private it’s easier cause your with people u r comfortable with so it’s different but like if u don’t know people I kinda worry ;(

    Unless it's a bside battle and then all tact gets cast aside and i question all y'alls taste and fandom credentials cuz really how can you guys have paid Wait dust like that?


  • I've gotten dogplied by both moas and armys on twitter for speaking the literal truth that people didn't want to hear about stats and other info. Now there are some opinions I won't tweet out because I would like to keep my twitter account lol, but I'm pretty unfiltered. Not that I'm super negative or rude, just super blunt. If people have a problem with me online, oh well. I'm likely never gonna meet you and if numerical facts upset you, then you have a personal problem with me pointing them out.

    Numbers are numbers. I can't believe people would jump you for that. They'd always some crazies in every group i guess though

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