What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?
playing the piano
playing the piano
You can still play Minecraft tho right?
Of course! Just not as often as I used to. I used to play all day everyday lol. I mean, minus school at least.
Of course! Just not as often as I used to. I used to play all day everyday lol. I mean, minus school at least.
Ah I see.
yeah it's tough when you have a lot of things to do. It's always about time management. I still play COD and Mobile Legends. But I balance my time cuz I have work irl and work here on akp, plus I watched series too. It's tough but I manage.
Sadly no
Never learned it professionally either, but my grandparents had a piano forte at their home and I used to play it whenever I visited
Playing slide :(((
I was a wild kid, so probably exploring or going on walks through a park.
do you collect them?
what kind of sports? :ak_luajump:
Football (Soccer), Kickboxing and Basketball
playing with my friends outside
write stories
Doing stuff with my friends
Going out with my friends to play soccer, or to just walk somewhere
Sometimes go into their house to play video games or do random stuff on the internet
We also played an online game called Transformice, but gosh, there was even another one we loved, called Red Crucible, we were truly addicted to them
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