Since nobody here is willing to play the devil's advocate, I will do that

  • I agree

    This was their best song

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  • The problem is the 70/30 split, especially when the 30% share is then divided by 12 for each member.

    When you're a nugu company, you cannot afford to be overly ambitious. You must set realistic goals and define budgets accordingly.

    They apparently have 70/30 ratio for profit and a 50/50 ratio for the cost. The members have to foot 50% of the cost while getting only 30% of the profit. This kind of arrangement only makes the members deeper into debt with each comeback.

  • despite the high investment and against many peoples claims, loona did turn in profits. bbc would have made 1 or 2 milion without exploiting the members. make a few milion more with puting the loona member in debt is only greed and wrong.

    And they set up the contracts from the start. It wasnt a panic reaction to exploit the girls.

  • Still, no reason to have a 70/30 expense with a 50/50 revenue contract.

    I do think fans are very quick to blame agencies, they are a business after all, not a charity.

    But the contracts should have been clear on the amount of expected expenses the girls would have been expected to pay, is not like they were in control of that.

  • You know who else can't claim to be too stupid to not know they were overinvesting? Your precious beloved ever so victimised BBC themselves. You really think the teenage Loona girls instructed them to drag out their pre-debut project for years, and spend millions they didn't have and they were powerless to say no? They made that call themselves. Not all of the girls were even with the company when the spending started. Despite what you think none of this gives them a right to not pay their employees.

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