selfmate has been a member since January 13, 2021 (or 693 days ago). He has 105633 posts, or 152.428571429 posts per day
I've had this account for 52 days, and have 817 posts, or 15.7115384615 per day
We have a difference in posts of 104816
If selfmate continues his average of 152.428571429 posts per day, by next year, he'll have...
161270 = (152.428571429 * 365) + 105633
^ rounded up
If i continue my average of 15.7115384615 posts per day, i'll have 5734.71153845 = (15.7115384615 * 365) + 817 by next year
Obviously not enough
selfmate's expected post # by next year (161270) - 817 (my current post count) = 160453
technically, i only need to be 1 above him to be the #1 akp user, so my goal would be 160454 / 365 = 440 posts per day (rounded up)
this is an explanation for the math, the formula itself is
(161270) - (your current posts) = y / 365 = X