Users kittykitka and YouChanDoThis have been called to trial being held on a yet-to-be-determined date, though most likely in about 10 to 12 days. Both persons are to present their cases before the trial is held. In the meanwhile, The Judge will document any "sus" behavior from said users.
Both defendants have agreed to look for a witness(es) or lawyer(s) to defend each one's case. But we haven't yet agreed to a few things before we proceed.
First, what are the sentences planned? If the defendants disagree with any of the following, they are to state in the replies below.
1. Modern-Day Bonnie and Clyde: Shall both users be sentenced, they both give a portion of their akorns to HardcoreBLINK and to The Judge. How they split the sum is up to themselves, though it shall be no less than 450 in total.
2. Chan Couldn't Do It: User YouChanDoThis is sentenced to jail and gives 300 to 500* of her akorns to The Judge.
3. Kicked Kat: User kittykitka is sentenced to jail and gives 300 to 500* of her akorns to The Judge.
4. (RARE) Side Effects: The Judge is so tired of the defendants shennanigans that she decides "F**K IT" and lets both defendants go with a warning.
. The members of the Underground Syndicate are the organizers of the trial and will recieve half of the akorns given to the Judge during the event (Transfered either individually to each member or to Synd-Holdings ).
*quantities decided by Judge in the trial