Good lesson to middle schoolers
better lesson would be to not get addicted to fried and processed food cause it starts at that age
Or maybe get to the root of the problem and try to fix a terrible issue in society involving children still learning how to interact with each other in a mature way. All of the non-celebrity bullies involved in all these scandals have remained unscathed and anonymous simply because they aren't famous. At the end of the day, the moral of the story is that you probably wont be held accountable if you aren't famous, which most people wont be.
Yeah, for sure 12yo are gonna reflect deeply on their actions and think about what could happen to their future selves.
To be fair, at least where I'm from, employers don't care about what you did in middle school or high school. They don't even care about what grades you got in college. Most bullying doesn't even get reported or go on your permanent record, and I've certainly never heard of any employers checking middle school records for job applicants. I can't imagine any employer asking for middle school records and it would be impossible to obtain for some people.
The only background checks they really do are criminal and identification (sometimes credit checks). Aside from that, all employers really care about is your field-related education (unless it's a minimum wage job, in which case they care even less), work-related experience, and maybe references from your previous jobs if they want to find out about your character.Social media might come to bite you in the ass, but only if it's searchable and your employer cares enough about it.
This is all from my own country though, and this is a South Korean issue, so this may all be irrelevant and perhaps they do check for these things there. It seems vey far-fetched to me that an employer would care that much about an adult applicant's middle school life though.
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