Condensed Update on The Mingyu Situation with expo on OP1/OP2 drama

  • Umm’s looking pretty bad for OP1 who accused Mingyu, Im kinda late bcuz I was sleeping since its 8 am in korea but OP2 directly mentioned OP1 in her therapy, she also showed stacks of notes from the therapy and she proved that her therapy is real by showing her Kakao entrance pass and her latest therapy session was February 17, 2021 which was a few days before the Bullying accusation came out.

    Not that someone who bullied someone can’t also be a victim too but OP2 is stating that compared to Mingyus “sexual jokes”, of which OP2 stated he distanced himself away from, she was being and I quote “two faced” [not the exact wording but still the same definition]. OP2 also accused OP1 of causing her health issues in middle school after she accused her of being “a bully”, OP2 said her parents and teachers all turned against her and OP1 had the proof that she wasn’t but acted all “smiley” around others instead of clearing her name. This caused OP2 to have health issues of which she still has therapy as of February 17, 2021.

    In conclusion, OP2 and other classmates (they say friend in korean but it’s the same) accused OP1 of faking bullying accusations against them and turned herself into a victim while they faced the consequences (mentioned something bout [the evil girl that acts nice in front of adults but is actually bad]). Again OP1 “victimized” herself and turned OP2 into a liar and claimed “she had no remembrance of such occurrences” [pretty much stating she doesn’t recall anything] and OP2 got pissed and posted more evidence, which I got into more detail above. OP2 is pretty much stating that OP1 is a pharisaic and sanctimonious person.


    adjective DEROGATORY

    1. making a show of being morally superior to other people. A sanctimonious person might think he's holy, but their attitude comes across more like "holier-than-thou." Though sanctimonious people might try to act like saints, their actions are far from pure or holy, which just makes them sound like hypocrites.

    Example: "what happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first?

    The reason why I chose the word sanctimonious to describe OP2s depiction of OP1 is because OP2 has made it clear they have no intention of trying to “debunk” OP1s accusation against Mingyu because she’s not “all knowing” and doesn’t know everything that happened [though OP2 has stated Mingyu wasn’t the one making sexual jokes and she recalls him “hovering” away from the group when they did] but OP2 said if she’s gonna call Mingyu out for something she [OP2] found and I quote “inappropriate” but not grave nor was it coming from him, then she and the other alleged victims of OP1 have “more” than a right to call her out publicly too.

    Y’all, this whole class needs group therapy because Mingyu is literally out of the picture, the past day or two.

    ***disclaimer, I was born in Korea but I moved to america in elementary school and moved back 2 years ago [in high school] I’m proficient at korean but since I missed a lot, I struggle sometimes with medical terms and really difficult words, as you can tell Korean literature is the hardest class for me :D. But still this is my pure “condensed” translation of OP2s now deleted post. I said I’d never do translations because I’m lazy as can be but I’m ill and I’m not attending school today so I decided to make this post to help people understand.

    ***For possible carats wondering how the situation is for koreans on pann, comments for OP2 have way more likes than dislikes as compared to OP1. Before Koreans were completely against Mingyu with like +500/-8 against him but now there’s been a major shift...they believe it’s more of middle school drama than anything, for all the people thinking seventeen was gonna get a bad representation, it doesn’t look that way. Especially with OP2s posts against OP1.

    All I have to say to this is,

    Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

    May the Hunger Games begin!


  • Extra: OP2 mentioned Les Misérables, which is a novel by Victor Hugo. The central character, Jean Valjean, is sentenced to prison for stealing a single loaf of bread. Later, seeking respectability, Valjean is hounded by his archenemy, Inspector Javert.

    I’m not sure if she meant to describe Mingyu, as the character who’s jailed for a minuscule offense, but I found two descriptions of the meaning behind “les miserables”:

    1. There's probably more than one meaning, but if you just look at the title, you'll get the gist of it: "misérables" in French does not mean sad, it means "those who live in terrible poverty". Jean Valjean, the main character, only became an outlaw because just once, he stole bread to survive.

    2. it’s about a life - a few lives actually - and a time and place.

    mostly it’s about poor and righteous people being abused by a government and a man’s commitment to make his life meaningful by doing his all to help a little girl to have a happy life. in the end she selfishly, or unknowingly, doesn’t care and he isn’t sure that his life mattered.

    I can’t tell you much but take it as it is...

  • Yes haha, that’s what inspired this...

    I was gonna comment but it got too long so I just made another thread.


  • this situation is just... I don't know, so much has happened in a short space of time, it feels like it's never going to end

    Don’t worry about it, I feel like this is all will be over soon. I have come to realize how this wasn’t even about just Mingyu, but their whole class. Plus it wasn’t a issue of sexual harassment imo, based on my observation of OP1 and OP2’s convos. Petty fights, and middle school drama being replayed online for the whole world to see.

  • Thank you for this. This whole thing is a giant headache to me. I really feel like this whole thing is turning into something that could have easily been resolved with some personal conversations and apologies instead of just blasting it out into the world on the internet.

    I also hope what I've seen about OP2 posting a lot of personal details about themselves to back up their posts doesn't negatively impact their mental health.

    Also a Jay fan? The taste.


    *Im a girl but it still applies*

  • So the opinion on Mingyu started to be more favourable?

    Holy shit this class is messy af, my class from middle school feels like a children playground compared to this.

    You could say, they were more against him but now it’s more leaning to neutral as the situation progresses, they’re more focused on April/Soojin than Mingyu but it occasionally switches to mingyu when OPs post something, at this point he’s in the clear for not being cancelled by Korean gp, but they’re still awaiting for pledis to make a statement or mingyu.

  • wish I could understand korean, so I would camp on Pann and wait for the new posts. at this moment, I feel like the entire class has to be contacted

  • Oh god... :pepe-back-away:

    Thank you so much for posting this. This really helped me understand things better.

    Also big respect to op2 for calling out op1. They could have not said anything at all but still shared their own past with op1(and other private information) just in case op1 was doing the same to Mingyu.

  • Might as well make an extra season of this drama

    I just hope for this Mingyu situation to be clear as soon as possible, since it was the first thing brought up.

    not that OP1 vs OP2 situation doesn't matter, but I think it would be better if they talk about some issues privately. plus, they wouldn't have to worry about other people's comments and opinions that could affect their situation.

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