Jin doesnt give himself enough credit

  • The people who are not his fans that refuse to give him an ounce of it for his hard work do not matter

    How HE feels about himself matters

    and he does not give himself enough credit

    JIN makes people FEEL something when he opens his mouth

    and this goes for every single song that he sings

    Idk how many times his songs have made me tear up

    well before I even knew what he was singing

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    Wish I could be that little birdie in his ears telling him everyday that he has a voice that can move people

    giving him that motivation

    but for now I will wait on his solo album no matter how long it takes

  • I love Jin solo songs, esp Tonight, and Tonight still my fav from his solo

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  • I love Jin solo songs, esp Tonight, and Tonight still my fav from his solo

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    That song brought a tear to my eye too

    MOON was faster paced and it still got me emotional

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    I dont even like ballads that much

    Well more like I am very picky about the ones I listen to

    That's because I hate the feeling of boredom and slow songs tend to bore me easily

    So the ballad has to make me feel something

    This man is special ;(

    Glad he chose singing ;(

  • He is :pleading:

    Can't count how many times I cried for Epiphany too

  • My other bias - it's true that Jin's voice is very unique and lovely. I haven't found another male vocalist with his vocal tone/color/sound! His humble and introvert nature really does allow many people to overlook him but not worry - I think many ARMY acknowledges what a secret treasure he is!

    Moon and Abyss also rank as my top BTS songs while Epiphany was one of my early BTS favorite songs. The demo on Disc 3 was also incredible. I'm a sucker for ballads and his voice, so I'm with you OP - I'll be waiting for his album no matter how long it takes.

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