I cant take Xiaoting seriously
fux I'm so dead, hahahaha
i bet 100% i do
it was literally a chinese movie
do you icy? in your Singlish??? lol
Do u feel bad that her lover cheated on her or is it like a comedy
its not a comedy
a classic romance movie
no i dont feel bad cause the guy is the MC and the woman he fell for is the other MC
the MCs fell in love quite naturally like you would irl
the Xiaoting woman was like his childhood gf he was betrothed to but for half the movie the MC was in HK with the other MC while Xiaoting was waiting in rural China to move in with him when he decides to marry her, which he did, and he didnt cheat after they were married per se, but he was already emotionally out of it cause he loved someone else now, someone who was actually physically there for him when he was struggling
which makes sense
not to say Xiaoting was a bad person, it was just not meant to be
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