Hello! I don't know if I overstated what is really going on in the title or not, but I didn't know what else to call it that would be accurate and concise. Sorry about that. So, as I'm sure you all know by now, BTS released their new anthology album with the title track "Yet To Come", referencing some of their most iconic and beloved past eras, their struggles in the past, where they are now and what direction they'd like to take their music in the future. Please correct me if I got anything wrong. I don't remember all of the lyrics very well right now, but I think that was more or less the general idea and thought behind them.
Anyway, so, the song was released and there seems to be some divided opinions on it. I had the "Bop vs Flop" thread of it bookmarked when I first found it, read a lot of the comments, and seemed to notice a general trend. MOST non-ARMY's (including me if I must be honest) liked the sentiment, but decided that personally, the song was just not for them for one reason or another. On the other hand, most ARMY's seemed to love it and found it really meaningful and touching. In fact, pretty much all the ARMY's I have seen on here have been happy with all three new songs and I'm happy for them. Your faves releasing new music is awesome and you have every right to be happy and celebrate over it.
Then, things started to take a turn at some point, I'm not sure exactly when. The general consensus among non-ARMY's went from saying it was not for them, but they could appreciate it, to outright bashing the song and hating on it. From what I have seen, a few ARMY's have noticed this shift and become (rightfully) annoyed by it. One moment you're bopping to a meaningful song you love and the next someone is trashing it. I would be annoyed by this too honestly. I have a few things I want to get off of my chest about this whole situation.
First of all, to all the ARMY's on here, I know it may be tough to do and easier said than done, but please try your best to not let to comments hating on the song dampen your mood too much. Acknowledge that they may not enjoy the song as much as you do, and then focus on the positive: BTS released three new songs and all three seem to be well loved among the fandom. That's incredible news. Also, I have no idea how well any of the songs are charting, but I assume they are doing pretty well. Whether they are or not, I personally wouldn't stress over it one way or another (not that I have seen anyone acting like this yet, I just want to address it just in case). To me, what matters is not how well a song performs on various charts, but how much the fandom loves it. The fandom as a whole (from what I've seen anyway) seems to cherish it, so that should be what matters most.
To the polite and courteous non-ARMY's who expressed their opinion on the song (whether they ended up liking it or not): thank you. Thank you for being so respectful and mature. I really do appreciate seeing you all be like this. Keep up the wonderful outlook.
To the people who bashed the song, I do have something to tell you. You know what? You're allowed to do it. Provided it doesn't break the rules of the forum or get you in trouble that is. If you dislike a song, you're allowed to express it. Not everyone has the same taste in music and that's okay. In fact, we all have very diverse music taste on here, even with the genre of K-Pop, and I kind of like it that way. You're even allowed to express your dislike of the song to your hearts' content.
That being said, I wouldn't do that. First of all, I'm sure BTS worked very hard on that song and that they wouldn't release a song they weren't proud of. Of course, this doesn't make a song immune from criticism, but please keep it in mind. Also, I think there is a difference between saying you dislike a song politely once, perhaps even lightheartedly joking about it to lighten the mood, and cruelly spewing hateful things about it multiple times. Again, if it's within the forum rules, you're technically allowed to do it, but my question is why would you want to? Think about it. It must be tiring to constantly express the same opinion over and over again. Most people will not suddenly dislike the song just because you do. If anything, if you do it over and over, it may upset the fandom and lead to a fight that quite frankly, no one actually wants. Lastly, remember the golden rule. Are you able to sincerely tell me that if your favorite group released a song you loved dearly, you wouldn't feel even the slightest bit sad if someone said they wished that song wasn't released or that it hurt their ears (or something equally as bad)?
Just to be clear with the intention of my post, I am not intending this to be directed to any user on here at all, indirectly or directly, only to a trend on here I have noticed as a whole. I am not trying to silence people from voicing their opinion on songs they dislike, I do it myself too, just to let people know not to go too far with it. I am also have heard that some ARMY's on here (and especially the ones that only or mainly stan BTS) feel as if they get treated unfairly because of it, and the reception this song got probably did not improve that feeling. Those users are every bit a part of this site as you are, so if it's not asking too much, please treat them the way you'd like to be treated. If they're happy about the comeback, state your thoughts, then move on and let them be happy. They all deserve a peaceful comeback.
I know a lot of what I said was because of what is currently happening with the reception of "Yet To Come" on here, but I also hope all fandoms can apply what I have said as well for their group's future comebacks. If someone dislikes a song, acknowledge it, see where they are coming from or why they feel that way (if you want to) and then try your best to focus on the positives and the people who do like it. Non-fans, you can say how you honestly feel, and I encourage you to do so, but please do so within a reasonable limit and be aware of the potential consequences if you don't. If you're confused on how to express your option in an appropriate way, feel free to ask me and I can give you some advice. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Have a great day/night!
- A non-ARMY who wants ARMY's to be happy this comeback