How do you deal with criticism?

  • I had a story on wattpad around 7 years ago, it had a good amount of views and votes. The comments were all positive except one. Don't know why my brain chose to focus on that specific comment, but it did and it made me delete that story completely.

    Now that I think about it I realise how I overreacted and should have used that comment to improve my writing instead of abandoning it.

    Have you ever had a bad experience with criticism?

  • I try to dissect it and decide if it is constructive and truly interested in my development as an artist or if it is just nitpicking/hatred for no reason. If it is the prior I take it into consideration in later projects if it is the latter I try to ignore it and purge it from my mind.

    Micah Forever

    Benny's Smoll Bean


  • tbh i always focus on criticism more than praise. like if it's constructive criticism that's actually useful to me than i try to make sure i remember it form that point on. but if it's criticism that isn't helpful then i kinda forget about it after a while.

  • If it's a fair criticism, I just take it and see I can improve. Don't associate yourself with whatever is getting criticized. Just assuming the critic is being honest and in good faith.

    Sometimes some criticism aren't in good faith. In this case, I just ignore these unless they try to disguise it with fair advice. Sometimes there are decent accidental advice in there.

    Also, not many people are good at criticism. Actually very few are. So when you get a good one, pay attention and don't take it personally. In case of bad criticism, they are usually useless. Don't let them get you.

    Personally, at first I didn't take it well, but eventually I just tried to analyze and classify criticisms fairly. I just take them coldly. Feedback goes both way. This way you can improve your own criticism abilities as well.

  • I had a story on wattpad around 7 years ago, it had a good amount of views and votes. The comments were all positive except one. Don't know why my brain chose to focus on that specific comment, but it did and it made me delete that story completely.

    Now that I think about it I realise how I overreacted and should have used that comment to improve my writing instead of abandoning it.

    Have you ever had a bad experience with criticism?

    well there's criticism and constructive criticism ...and things which are just random comments which make no sense...


    your story sucks - random comments which make no sense

    I read your story but didn't like it - criticism

    I read your story and there are parts which i like such as [xyz] and parts which i didn't [abc] because... - constructive criticism

    you see the difference

  • I think I'm my worst critic, i used to draw and write comics for fun but because i got too harsh on it I destroyed all of it. I regret it so much, in hindsight it was really really good i was an idiot for destroying it just because i was impulsive. I haven't made any ever since.

    Also, once a guy made fun of my pic when i was a preteen and it hit me hard i avoided using selfies for my profile pics forever. It's so stupid how it made an impact on me, especially because the dude who said it was ugly afff and his pic was 10x worse. I'm more comfortable about my selfies now but sadly i still avoid sharing it with ppl i don't know cause it made me self conscious even though i already know it makes no sense

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • I think I'm my worst critic, i used to draw and write comics for fun but because i got too harsh on it I destroyed all of it. I regret it so much, in hindsight it was really really good i was an idiot for destroying it just because i was impulsive. I haven't made any ever since.

    Also, once a guy made fun of my pic when i was a preteen and it hit me hard i avoided using selfies for my profile pics forever. It's so stupid how it made an impact on me, especially because the dude who said it was ugly afff and his pic was 10x worse. I'm more comfortable about my selfies now but sadly i still avoid sharing it with ppl i don't know cause it made me self conscious even though i already know it makes no sense

    this is copied from above my friend

    well there's criticism and constructive criticism ...and things which are just random comments which make no sense...


    your picture sucks - random comments which make no sense

    I saw your picture but didn't like it - criticism

    I see your picture and there are parts which i like such as [xyz] and parts which i didn't [abc] because... - constructive criticism

    you see the difference

    chaengaro-o as well - as people get older you'll learn to appreciate the CC, ask questions about the criticism and ignore the random comments

  • Yup I definitely learned that now. That's why I regret my action back then as the comment was only pointing out what details need fixing, but it was the first thing I ever wrote so I didn't have any experience with this stuff...

  • Yup I definitely learned that now. That's why I regret my action back then as the comment was only pointing out what details need fixing, but it was the first thing I ever wrote so I didn't have any experience with this stuff...

    see i didnt get my name pervy sage only because of the pervy part...

    people should focus on the sage part

  • One time I made a thread, thought it was funny and went on with my day. I guess it wasn’t because it was flooded with angry army’s. I guess I must’ve hit a nerve because people were really mad. I honestly thought about deleting my whole account (if I knew how) but now I can look back and laugh (possibly because I’m crazy) I deal with criticism in a lot of weird ways, like crying, or getting angry, and then straight up laughing it off. :-D

  • I don't. I just cry myself to sleep and pretend I didn't read it, learning nothing or I pretend I'm grateful but secretly wishing the ten plagues befall upon my critic.

    Kidding aside, I take it into heart, sometimes a bit too much. I am my worst critic and hearing criticisms at times enforce the idea that something is wrong with me. It doesn't affect me as much as it does back then, I guess age mellowed me down. There are things I can change and things I just have to accept. There are days however I just don't want to deal with it.

  • Dunno, negative things don't affect me tbh.

    If the critcism is something that I can use to actively change what I'm doing to make it better then I'll try it.

    If it adds no Ideas and is just a complaint of bs then it just a waste of words for me, but everyone's entitled to say their opinion, it just something I can't do anything with that's all, kinda like unnecessary information but adds to the overall feedback I guess.

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