
    1. Because they focus on overseas advancement (including foreign-oriented marketing)

    2. The absence of TV-variety programs makes it hard to them to get their faces known

    3. Excessive concepts and worldviews

    4. Idol culture has always been minor

    5. K-pop fandom's excessive culture (forced streaming, pouring money to fangirl, etc.)

    6. Red ocean (people describe saturated market/industry as "red ocean" by comparing it to "a sea of blood because of fighting each other.")

    7. Other

    What do you guys think?

    original post: here

    1. 7
    > Nowadays, you can have fun fangirling even if they are not idols
    >> Oh I agree with this too. There are even people fangirling on YouTubers so the alternatives are numerous
    >> Me too I think the same
    >> Me too, kids nowadays fangirl on YouTubers or TikTokers

    2. 345
    > I think that it's especially hard because of 5

    3. 2

    4. I think that everything in the post is right... and the low birth rates too

    5. 2
    > I reminds me how the popular 1st and 2nd gen idols were going often on variety shows

    6. It's complicated

    7. Everything

    8. Everything. To be honest, there are a lot of fangirls but there are also a lot of people who don't know about k-pop. When I'm bored nowadays, I just don't watch TV or variety shows. I watch Watcha or Netflix. I know some actors but not to the point of being their fangirl

    9. 1,2,5,7 but I think that they are focusing too much on the performance and their songs are way too difficult to be enjoyed by the general public

    10. 7 all of them look the same to me... And unless they are from a big company, they all feel like the same

    11. 1,2

    12. 3.7 for me... Back then, idols had their clear concept and their songs were devoted to their concept too so their songs felt easier to listen to. Nowadays, their concepts are all ambiguous and all feel like the same... because they look the same, I don't even wanna look up who's who... and for 7, like a comment mentioned earlier, even the idol culture is a trend in itself so... right now, I feel like the trend has shifted to YouTubers and other internet celebrities...

  • "back in my day people knew who Justin Timberlake was! Now all the kids are about those darn tiktokers and gamers! :rant-bee: "

  • because there was pandemic and no concerts with people

    in same time we can already see that uni festivals with PSY, Winner, STAYC, and others were packed as hell

    not to mention everyone was wearing mask so the threads: "she looks like goddess" nearly disappeared because we were only seen those fancams in 'stage' environment instead of normal broad daylight

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  • The point about YouTubers and tiktokers is true. Also the one where no one watches tv anymore it’s difficult to know the celebrities that are in compared to how it was years ago. People have more choices now and media isn’t force fed to you through cable tv as much as it was.

  • variety shows don't invite idols unless they are very popular in sk so why blame idols for that. And idol fans are usually young and i honestly don't know any young people who actually watch tv these days when everything is accessible on your phones and computers.

  • 2. The absence of TV-variety programs makes it hard to them to get their faces known

    It has been such a shift in recent years. I found so many groups through watching variety shows for one idol. (SHINee is actually how I discovered FT Island.) And there were a lot of entertaining concepts so (1) you wanted to watch for the entertainment value of the show, kind of regardless of the specific idols on it, and (2) idols could stand out by being articulate or a good host or funny or... It gave them an opportunity to attract fans without having to necessarily be the best singer or dancer.

    let's be friends


  • Idols won’t benefit much going to tv shows now. Only older people watch tv and they are aiming for the younger demographics. But now they have to compete with youtubers and other social influencers. This is actually good because before this, only those with connections can appear on tv. Now it’s more organic, we are not forced by the controlling media anymore.

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