I personally can't stomach anything but Vanilla
Everything else is just too sugary for my taste
I personally can't stomach anything but Vanilla
Everything else is just too sugary for my taste
Snickers flavor
Snickers flavor
Sounds about unholy
oooh coffee flavor is really good too
As long the taste isn't weird. I can even eat mint choco
Best brand for coffee ice cream.
Ooh I've seen that brand at my store
Watch me buy thirty buckets if it turns out to be good
Also haagen daz caramel biscuit and cream and any ice cream that's alcohol flavored
FYI thats a double loss for both of you - you do realise your participants in the simon says game...
its all good since your losses cancel each other out...
Also haagen daz caramel biscuit and cream and any ice cream that's alcohol flavored
omg this was my favorite flavor but I think it's discontinued
*GASP* says the one that likes vanilla
green tea and cookies n cream
I actually really love straight vanilla or fior di latte, but the best are pistachio and coffee.
Wow, I want ice cream now! 😬
while youre doing so, make sure to grab me some ice cream too
taesv6 says i think its good
can we stop using this format for quoting since the game is over anyways...
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