Before I changed my sig I had the sig I used in December (A teaser-image from a JPop-MV. My last sig was actually a collage made from 7 pics and the group's logo of a JPop-group)
BTW why is everything (videos and pictures) shown as "external link"-message? And why are all your sigs blurry?
PS: I luckly could copy my DP from the old forum (If anyone wants to know who: Kim Heecheon from the JPop-group Orbit)
I made this game... instead of showing the 2 MVs in my game, I only get a text-message saying "external link" did I do something wrong while posting or do you simply not allow to show MVs?
Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
The dollar-bill has a red 2 on it, does it go away or do I have to press a button? I don't see how this "notification" will go away cause it bugs me a bit to look at it and not being able to know how to get this gone
Thanks that my old sig was stored so I could use it but you re-stored the wrong one (not my last used, the one I had before) and since I couldn't find my pic again I had to make a new sig for it
The way the forum and the main-page are seperated. Now everytime I try to go back to the front of the forum I accidantly happen to be in the main-page o.o
Do we have emoji and when yes, where do I find them?
Why are people's signatures blurry and stop to be blurry when I scroll down? PS: That the signatures are blurry looks so odd, someone pls fix that