bullying isn't a thing in my country
Cap 🧢
bullying isn't a thing in my country
Cap 🧢
Display MoreThis scandal is big for them
The kpopers should know than there re palm reader on soojin gidle ,i remember of woojin (ex member of stray kids )was weird so....
Stan toy lettgg (a psychologist)
Palmreading is the biggest BS ever. They say 100 million vague things and then every millennia one little thing is true and suddenly everyone is like „ I always knew this idol was shady, the palmreader said it“.
That being sad, it’s not looking good for Soojin
Twice could make 100 albums and they wouldn’t reach „Reboot“ album quality
I would argue that they are the most critically acclaimed Kpop group in general
Add meeeeee
Leaning more towards good because they have a lot of advantages but there are also a lot of bad parts like mismanagement, treatment of foreigners, etc
Kpop fans call her IT girl of 4th generation after she won produce 48.
we all know Sakura REALLY won
Display MoreWho said only Japan and China were relevant? I pointed them out as they are by miles bigger markets than Indonesia, like it's not even ballpark the same comparison....
Also yes Fancy has higher YT, higher Spotify and actual international certifications(something Psycho doesn't have) You're also bringing up Korea like did you take a second to read the title? You must not have otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned Korea.
Internationally under NO STAT is Psycho ahead of Fancy. None. The only reason it's pulling faster numbers than Fancy on Spotify is lack of comebacks and meaning fans have only 1 new group song all year to stream, while Twice as I have pointed out since Fancy have had 6 comebacks, 6! and Fancy still maintains a lead on Spotify and a massive lead on YT. As for 70m on other videos? LMAO, do you think Fancy only has an MV? They have like 45m views on the dance practice, 25 on the Mama live, like over 50m on the comeback performances and I mean like nearly 20m on Momo's dance version...I mean really it's not close at all...
Even with Psycho being bigger in Indonesia you would think that would have gave it more MV views since Indonesia is the biggest contributor to Kpop views last year, but still it's over 100m or more behind...Kinda strange.
Not to mention in Japan where Spotify was barely used in 2019 Twice still went on to gain a Gold certification for Fancy which is another 50m filtered streams, that's right a real cert in the second biggest market in the world.
So no actually based on numbers, facts and evidence Fancy is ahead of Psycho in every metric.
Edit: Also should point this out in that time Twice released Feel Special which beat Psycho in the international market and I Can't Stop Me which is performing about 2 times better than Fancy too.
I think you are forgetting the fact that Fancy is like 8 months older than Psycho
Nah they will comeback
So in an interview about her movie, Irene was asked about a song she likes recently. She picked “Shining” by Jaurim. Now the song itself is quite beautiful but the lyrics are really concerning.
I know she made a big mistake but the hate from all sides and the pressure she puts herself under must be pretty extreme. I hope she can reflect and recover without suffering from to many mental problems but idk... maybe I’m just a bit paranoid after losing Jonghyun and Sulli, who were both SM artists
I am not surprised SM has built up their reputation in China finally this past decade, like they did with Japan in the early 2000s. SM groups are becoming huge in China all the time, the only artist from the big 3 who may be bigger than any SM groups would be Jackson as that is his home, G Dragon as he has a good reputation with the public there for some charity work and adverts he has done in China, or Lisa from Blackpink who was already huge there and then the youth with you just made her bigger.
I think Lay is bigger than all 3 of them combined