illit never die
Posts by Cold_Wave
i think she gets booked for lots of events and has some brand deals. its not so bad
or maybe it is, i don't know
suzy, most of snsd apart from taeyeon, rv, twice except nayeons first song
You think Lisa would do better than Solar, Moonbyul, Wheein or Hwasa in Korea?
The first two have MelOn top 10 and top 30 hits respectively, and the latter two have multiple #1 hits, a RAK and several PAKs to their names.
You sure?
moonbyul and solar dont really do better in korea. their supposed top 30 "hits" fell off circle digital top 100 faster than lalisa did. which moonbyul or solar song spent more than 2 weeks on circle/gaon top 100? i already checked spit it out, selfish, solar emotion songs. all just 2 weeks, none of those are hits.
what is love
kill this love
rebel heart
most of these are not too offensive. i even kinda like how sweet, unforgiven and rebel heart. ive, lsf and nj don't really have bad title tracks yet. nj cocacola song is bad but i don't know if that counts as a title track
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she did decent work but nothing so special. as long as they get someone decent to replace her it wont matter much. most casual fans probably didnt even know who their creative director was. its not like mhj whose name alone gives nj extra hype.
i would like to see her form a duo group with her sister. maybe call it nakbi
was that the title track?
Mamamoo is Spica meets Sistar meets Brown Eyed Girls meets Big Bang.
Hence their uniqueness. No other girl group is dropping a song like this
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Right after dropping this
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.gidle does that
silly meme song
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.not exactly a ballad... but kinda
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It's actually funny cuz Orange caramel is probably the most jpop coded kpop group ever
Their style and outfit and music is a big notch to 2000's jpop girlgroup and the harajuku fashion
They have jpop vibes but I don't know any actual groups I would say are very similar both in music and styling.
With Dreamcatcher they are kinda the kpop version of band maid. Look them up, very similar in music and styling. There are several other groups like that too. Dreamcatcher is kinda unique for kpop but really similar to these other groups
Mamamoo is kinda like Sistar. Dreamcatcher is like lots of jpop groups.
It's orange caramel probably.
but is this situation comparable to any significant moment in history
I'm baaaaaaack
I weigh the Korean markets more because they're more important than the others, especially for girl groups.
On my scale, the only market I'll weigh more than domestic markets, within a specific range of success, is the U.S. and Japan, the two largest music markets in the entire world.
Not to denigrate other demographics or countries, but I don't care if your song hit #1 in France if it completely flopped in Korea. Nobody cares.
We all remember the songs that dominated the Korean charts (just look at the votes as proof), but nobody can tell me the songs that dominated in Shanghai without looking it up.
There isn't a fandom more obsessed with dismissing the relevance of domestic charts dominance than Blinks.
I acknowledge HYLT has impressive YT numbers and global streaming numbers.
It also performed EXPONENTIALLY worse than Hype Boy in Korea, and that's not hyperbole. HYLT didn't outperform even Nonstop or Dolphin back in 2020, and on a list of the most streamed girl group songs in MelOn history, it didn't even make the top 20.
For me to overlook that and just handwave it away, it would need to KILL in either the U.S. or Japan, and it didn't in either.
So I personally will never pick that song as song of the decade.
for me "biggest song" is just the song that had the most amount of listeners or most amount of listens. a stream is a stream regardless of where it comes from. if the question was which song was the most commercially successful thats when i would bother to analyse the value of the markets that the song was popular in.
but even with your definition of "biggest" im not sure i agree with the method you use. you like the term "bad faith argument", i think thats what youre using here. you focus on comparing popularity in the top markets. but you exclude china which is a top 5 music market because it doesnt fit your narrative. you bring up cupid doing better in the US even though you are trying to argue for hype boy (relevance?). you strawman by saying blinks think hylt is bigger because it did better in france. its not because of france alone, theres roughly 200 countries and hylt did better in almost all of them. individually a lot of them are maybe not a big deal but the combined total of all of them is significant. some of the markets your excluding arent even small. i would say SEA is a big market for kpop despite not technically being a big music market itself. bp generated more revenue in the SEA portion of their born pink tour compared to other groups entire tours. bp made $82M there. thats more than twice made in their ready to be tour in japan. bp is able to do stadiums in a lot of the regions you consider irrelevant so its not just "100k extra streams" like you say.