Posts by Cocomars

    Oh no you didn't, I'm truely surprised by the family link, I thought it was going to be some link further down the chain, like BSH had family who were manufacturing merch or something. Knowing this adds a whole new spin on the focus on investing in games, links to game companies and this investigation.

    Ah okay, I knew about the FTC investigation but not the details, posted my comment before I read the article posted in another thread on here. Well color me surprised too, I didn’t know he had other relatives in business with him besides BJH lol.

    And lmao at the thought of BSH family manufacturing merch, now that would explain their recent festa merch quality 🤣.

    Hybe isn't too big to fail the government can wreck them if they wanted. HYBE is NOT Samsung or Hyundai etc those are corporations too big to fail because they produce literally EVERYTHING

    Agreed they’re not on the level of Samsung. Hybe is too big to fail in the sense that they would have to do something super major against the government for them to be wrecked. Otherwise it’s just a slap on the wrist.

    If this were a Chinese company on the other hand, China don’t give a shit and would totally wreck 😂

    Oh wow didn't know that, no wonder the government is investigating Hybe!

    Hopefully I’m not misinterpreting your comment, but Netmarble and their chairman (Bang Jun-hyuk) seem to be successful independent of Hybe. BJH is listed in Forbes 2024 Korea’s Richest at #40.

    Before I read about that, I thought it was sus as well and thought BSH was just throwing his family member a bone.

    According to wiki, “On August 20, 2021, the company established a subsidiary label known as Metaverse Entertainment which partnered up with Kakao Entertainment to manage musical artists.” So Netmarble/BJH also seems interested in the entertainment industry in general besides investing in Hybe.

    Idk, it just seems like in Korea there’s a circle of gaming and entertainment industry execs that know each other and is trying to dabble into joint ventures. Maybe they visit the same room salons 🤪. Oh and CJ ENM is a major shareholder of Netmarble.

    It may not be 100% his choice. The other major SH is a game company, it makes sense they'd trade supporting him for having people they know in the industry in charge of key companies. Since they know nothing, he can also make sure they come to him for everything.

    Not denying that could be the case, but also the chairman of Netmarble is also a (distant?) relative of BSH, and they seem to have a good relationship. They even reportedly want to do a BTS game together.

    So it could be that BSH’s connection to the gaming industry is indeed due to Netmarble chairman and BSH’s own interest in the gaming industry.

    I love the choreo it's so fun and retro :love: , even tho the camera work wasn't the best!

    And how does hyein always gets the best parts :pepe-hehe: ?

    Yes, I prefer static cameras for these things cause the moving ones make me feel like I’m missing too many details.

    Also, I had to block out the people on the lower right hand side with my hand cause I was getting distracted by the old dudes low effort reactions.

    He showered $ 1 billion to Scooter Braun for nothing, and I think that really ticked off MHJ who now began to think that she deserved the $300 million for Ador.

    Definitely ticked her off, she mentioned it in her whistleblower email. Also, maybe it just pissed her off these stupid people let that much money go down the drain, and she has to keep working for them while tightly managing Ador’s financials.

    Ah i don't like this release system, it is ruining newjeans' performance on charts

    A user gave a really great response on why ADOR chooses to do this. If I can find it, I'll repost it here. It was a very good perspective on their strategy.

    Is this the one you were looking for, Yama? Loved their response too.

    Blop. I feel like this is the weakest of the three songs so far. Same thing with How sweet, I was hoping for more vocal dynamics and more substance (lyric wise) to their songs.

    I get what they’re trying to do with this though, frenetic song and MV showing the anxiety and rush of asking a crush to the movies. It’s playful and experimental, I’m just not vibing with the song as much.

    Looking forward to Supernatural, loved the bits of it so far.

    Wow, thank you for explaining. Those all seem extremely plausible. Their team almost always seem like they put a lot of thought into their decisions.

    I don't think MHJ will be satisfied being anyone's subsidiary. She's also moving very fast considering she only signed on to Hybe in 2019, and basically went from a director to a senior exec (CBO) to CEO of her own sub label within 3 years.

    I think as long as they don’t interfere with her work process she’ll be satisfied. She’s complained about HYBE’s micromanagement multiple times. She doesn’t like it when they try to change her vision, and when she doesn’t listen to them they do something petty.

    tbh I have no idea why she signed the stock deal last year that gave her 18% but with stipulations (like the draconian non-compete). MHJ claimed that she trusted park jiwon and showed texts of their conversations where she confronted him after she signed the contract. I still don't fully understand the context but I have an extremely weird feeling about park jiwon as well - I don't trust him, and I also think he needs to step down in hybe.

    She didn’t have that much time to decide and probably felt rushed. There’s always people like that who don’t fully read their contract because they’re boring as hell. But she’s stupid for not getting a lawyer to look over it for how long she’s been in the industry. Stupid for trusting PJW on his word that they wouldn’t screw her over with that contract.

    Also, she seems to really suck at office politics. She doesn’t want to play along with them when these men clearly want their asses schmoozed. It doesn’t help that she’s a woman because if she were a man they’d probably be inviting her to play golf and go to room salons too.

    Someone on here mentioned that PJW is a political science major, maybe that’s why you’re getting a weird feeling about him. I think it was “Oldies” (what happened to him?) that mentioned that he sees a lot of US political moves with how Hybe has been going about this.

    If it wasn't for the slave contract and the very real possibility of jail time, most of Ador's upper management would undoubtedly follow her out to where ever she'd go and she'd have a startup running within a few months. They did it before, they'd do it again

    But considering those factors, they probably won't leave to follow her. I'm mostly concerned about them quitting in protest as a sign of solidarity. They don't have baggage Min Heejin does, any company would snatch them up. SM in particular would definitely want them back.

    And then there's the lost Bana connection :peperain:

    Not sure jail time is a possible outcome. I thought it was just either Hybe pays her less if they can prove breach of trust and if they can’t she gets a lot more money.