Who can write her own rhymes, sing, and has crown-quality-catalog songs that showcase both in an incredible way? CL covers all 3 criteria.
- Soyeon has the ability to write and form her own catchy hooks too. There is still room for development on her singer side. Her songs aren't 100% hitting yet, but she's getting so close. Tighter beats will make a difference.
- Moonbyul has demonstrated her ability to sing and write her own rhymes. I don't she has enough crown Rap solo songs yet.
- Last but not least, my favorite underdog with untapped potential, Minzy. Strong singer and capable rapper but she doesn't have any crown Rap solo songs yet. Still room for her to grow as a rapper when it comes to rap cadences.
I'd rate Soyeon's songwriting and more importantly, her lyrics/wordplay well above CL's abilities.
Fair enough about the singer stuff, plus its well understood her nasal tone turns off people.