Don't really have strong feelings towards this song, it's okay but it doesn't really make itself stand out except for perhaps the transition from the pre-chorus to the chorus which I found a bit too jarring at first listen (though it might make more sense with the choreography). I'd say it's a blop, doesn't really have anything that is memorable but it's not something I'd rush over to skip on Spotify.
Posts by cuntilly
oh thanks! and yes, the distribution was good, they didn't give her most of the center parts either but also didn't put her as a back up dancer, so each member shined while suyeon got a fair spotlight. do you know if this is their last week of promos? I wonder if suyeon could met with kepler when they debut
Oh, I'm not really sure about the precise date but a quick search on Twitter tells me they'll be ending promotions by the 11th next month so if we go by that, probably they won't
Can definitely see her fitting the concept well after having more flight hours on stage and having more time to practice with the song. All the best for them.
so which lines did suyeon get? I didn't notice a big difference so I think the company did a good job leaving each member with a good part
She got one of Siyoon's lines, the cat one and one of the chorus lines that I think was previously sung by Tsuki and another minor one.
Agreed, good distribution by the company. Not overbearingly different from the original so it wouldn't really leave any of the pre-Suyeon listeners to be put off by the new version.
Dayeon fits that sleek, simple look well
Glad to see we're not getting vintage granny concept
All of them look great and the stylists definitely played to each girl's best aesthetic imo.
Can't get my eyes off of Xiao Ting -
Oh damn, I'm definitely feeling this trailer. What a vibe, amazing visuals as well both the girls and the production.
Seems like we're getting vintage gardening women concept I guess
Wouldn't say it's a disaster tbh, definitely kind of weird but wouldn't say it's atrocious. If anything, this might create engagement and make people talk about their debut because of how wacky the concept and styling is.
Some look better than others, I don't like Yujin's look at all while Bahi, Dayeon, Xiao Ting and Chaehyun's are okay. However, Yeseo and Youngeun look more circus magicians than tea party ladies. -
I guess so. Surely there are people who appreciate K-pop as a music genre but if we're talking about the idol culture, then no wonder if it's almost entirely driven by visuals. I doubt a majority of K-pop fans would have the same sentiment towards their idols if they don't look conventionally attractive. I don't necessarily think it's entirely a thirst trap, if it's entirely thirst trap, you'd have every idol posting lewd pictures of themselves. Sexual attraction definitely does play a huge factor in idol culture, given how hormonal the main market would be, I guess even a fully clothed picture does the trick let alone ones where they are exhibiting their biceps and posing in tight outfits. The industry definitely tries to portray idols as romantic and sexual attractions, there's a reason why swimming pool content goes viral in fanbases.
I agree! I can't say I love the song just yet, but that's how it is for me when it comes to new sounds I haven't heard before. Then, after a while, I will appreciate it much, much more. That's the thing with innovative music like this. Now even if you don't like this particular song, it gets you accustomed to this style, so you might appreciate future songs from them. This is how music evolves, and it's a great opportunity to see it firsthand.
Certainly! A lot of people are a bit on the fence about the recent spotlight on musical experimentation in K-pop but it's something I think I'm going to embrace with open arms, it's intriguing to see how some K-pop artists are making people more open to more bizarre sounds that would've been considered ridiculously niche a while back. Surely, there will be a point where everyone's trying to emulate the experimental music if the likes of aespa, NCT and Billlie make significant ground in the industry but for me, it's something I'd rather see over concepts like girl crush and teen crush as these concepts have been pretty much beaten to death while I feel experimental music will more likely grant more innovative sounds.
I do hope the same. I read an interview of one of the people behind their debut and from the looks of it, they won't be abandoning this concept any time soon seeing how enthusiastic they were describing it as well as the members. Of course, we should pray obstructions, e.g. budget-cutting and sound deviations a la LOONA, away
i can't believe that the two GG i was the most excited to see debut
debut with some of the best concept i've ever seen in Kpop
Billlie have a bright future, i can't wait for what they'll do with Suyeon
i know a lot of people hate the song, but i'm so fking in love with it, especially the pre-chorus is so good
Moon Sua's rap parts and Haram's vocal part after the first chorus were definitely the highlights for me but given how the good the song is, nearly all of it would be a highlight for me (and I actually like how the mixing is kind of crappy lol).
Definitely! I do think that they were gearing towards that sort of effect and were fairly inspired by J-pop, if that's the case, they surely knocked it out of the park. I appreciate how they didn't just simply copy and paste but infused it with aspects that are quintessentially K-pop which led to the birth of their unique concept.
I love the creepy sound, reminds me of Ice Cream Cake (but darker). Billlie is bringing something new to the table, and I love to see it.
Yeah, I like how the creepy sound, although central to the song, is quite subtly exhibited. I've noticed some groups starting to try the dark/creepy concept but it feels forced so Ring x Ring was nice to see (and the aesthetic of the MV is amazing as well). The reference to the Carols of the Bells and the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy was fun too!
I've seen my fair share of group debuts and to be frank, nothing has impressed me more than Billlie's. Their title track, Ring x Ring, is by far my favorite title track of the year. It might be quite polarizing at your first listening but once you give it a chance, you'll find a lot of things to admire about it.
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Form of Therapy did a cohesive review of it which elaborates most of the general sentiment about the title track and added some of his takes too which I recommend if you want to discover more things to appreciate about the music. The EP is also pretty good and the b-sides are pretty good (my favorites are everybody's got a $ecret and the eleventh day) though Ring x Ring remains my favorite release from them. The members fit their novel concept well too. (Moon Sua) Interviews of the members and the people behind their debut also give me an impression that they are dedicated and put a lot of thought into formulating their debut.
Hopefully, they keep this concept going and take off. With Kim Suyeon's addition, I hope they get more traction and develop a good following. I really do recommend you to at least give Ring x Ring a listen.
The likes of aespa and Billlie will definitely make the 4th gen more interesting to follow for sure. -
1. PD48 - Nekkoya
2. PD101 S2 - Nayana
3. GP999 - O.O.O5. PD101 - Pick Me
Nekkoya, to me, definitely captured the essence of a song of an aspiring idol. It had an eager, "I want to be an idol!" to it (and of course, center Sakura
). Pick Me is probably the most memorable one to most people but that song itself has little to zero replay value IMO and some of the parts can be a bit annoying
. Brownie points for the three different centers in O.O.O, was a cute idea.
Even if it can be hard, i already accept the group as it is, the group isn't even that bad, it's actually a pretty good lineup with various talents and looks (i won't be surprised with some visual hole comments or some saying the group lacks visuals compared to izone for example, it actually makes the group more interesting because you got these 9 people from 3 countries with a variety of looks and some with unique visuals). I'm just going to look forward for the concept and their debut after all these meltdowns.
I hope they have a storyline or a mini lore
I’m happy with the lineup, and I think bahiyyih is absolutely deserving of her spot. Saying “she will make up for her spot” or “she needs time before she debuts” is just an excuse because u don’t like her.
Sure, if that counts as me hating her then so be it. If you were to ask me whether I'd put her in the final line-up, personally, I wouldn't. I have nothing against Bahiyyih and wish her all the best in the future, if anything it would be interesting to see how she develops in the future as she's kind of raw at the moment. Just hoping that she is able to hold her own and improve because out of all the members, she's the least refined as of now and if that doesn't happen, she'll get massive hate from people and that's not something I'd want to see her get either.
Yurina has big potential and I feel that we never really got to know her (as well as the J-trainees) here. She had an amazing idol-like aura that is not something you find every day.
When I saw Ruiqi and Yaning as well as the other Chinese girls encouraging Xiao Ting, it was a heartfelt moment. Ruiqi and Fuya both also have massive potential and talent as well.
Hoping everything works out for these three