Posts by cuntilly

    1. Kim Chaehyun
    2. Huening Bahiyyih
    3. Choi Yujin

    4. Kim Dayeon
    5. Seo Youngeun
    6. Kang Yeseo

    7. Sakamoto Mashiro

    8. Ezaki Hikaru
    9. Shen Xiao Ting

    Definitely a line-up I can get behind with. It's a good enough compromise in order to ensure that there's a girl representing every nation. Would have wanted Bora and SRQ to make it but I guess not this time. This line-up has the fan favorites, good international representation and I'd say vocal, rap, and dance-wise we have someone to rely on in every sector.

    Would not say I'm exactly pleased with Bahiyyih placing second but if her getting in would give the group a lot more support then well, I hope it pans out for the best and that she will match up to her rank, or else she will get slaughtered by people.

    Hoping for the best for the girls and the eliminated girls :pepelove1:

    I know the final performances haven't been released yet but they tend to be not as good or memorable as the previous stages so here we go:

    1) Missing You

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    In my opinion, the most flawless performance of the season. They have everything going for them from the vocals to the raps and definitely the performance that caught my eye the most. Personal favorite: Xinyu-Cheukying rap duo & Hyewon-Jeongmin vocals. But then again, Yurina did a great job at her parts and Reina's high notes were great so :pepe-sad:

    2) U+Me = Love
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    Definitely deserved the win for the Creation Mission. The song in itself was very enjoyable and some parts reminded me of Chaewon-Yena-Yuri-Eunbi lines during their IZ*ONE days (which usually are my favorite in an IZ*ONE song). Suyeon did a good job as a center and her rap-ish part stuck with me the entire day. Shana's lines were my personal favorite and Youngeun was superb in her role (that you with me now babe line :pepelove1:). The rest did well too, liked Kotone and Xinyu as a rap duo.

    3) Pretty U

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    Deserved their win too. Really liked the energy in this one, Myah was the perfect center. Lots of memorable parts too. Kotone, Ruan and Zige caught my attention here. The only complaint I would have is some members were visibly overshone by the others but that is inevitable with a group with 9 members though they never really felt like they were competing against each other.

    Honorable mentions: Fate (Moana and SRQ did amazing here), My Sea (would definitely have made the Top 3 if not for the unfortunate high note), and Snake (even with the mess up, I still thought it was a very enjoyable performance).

    i mean, i am youngeun biased, but im actually not much of a dayeon fan. i would actually call myself youngeun, yurina, and xiaoting biased over anything else.

    yurina has been criticized for being "boring" the whole show. i would say objectively, many people would say dayeon or youngeun are "more interesting" than her specifically. mashiro and hikaru are very talented, but i wouldnt say they've been able to show much more personality than other top k girls.

    everyone's opinion is inherently biased, but i think there's a difference between people we LIKE and people we think would actually do well on variety shows ect. thats more where i was coming from with my stance.

    I think that has more to do with MNet's way of editing the Japanese trainees, we all know they tend to edit them in a placid manner and basically giving them little to work on except for the Mashiro good leader story or Yurina struggling with the killing part story. Those stories while seemingly good and give them screentime is nothing compared to Dayeon's plot or say Bora's, as you've said, these girls are not undeserving of this, they put their hard work in too but when your entire country's trainees are basically supporting characters (in that weird line where MNet doesn't evil edit them constantly but doesn't want to angel edit them too much), it's hard to really stand out. That plus how the Japanese girls tend to be less outspoken than the C-trainees and having a language barrier probably made it hard for them to be the joker of the show.

    For the do well thing, I get where you're coming from but by that logic, shouldn't the final line-up resemble the previous line-ups as opposed to the interim one? The previous line-ups were definitely more consistent than the interim one, most people were pleased with the previous line-ups bar exception like the need for Bora or Youngeun to debut. Taking the variety show one for example, most people say Wen Zhe is the most entertaining trainee and one that would do well in survival shows but people have liked trainees that they prioritize over her or Bora with the same case just make it about vocals. At the end of the day, I think that people are going to vote for whoever they like and I'd say that a result that does not include absurd ratios would be something that would lead the group to do well as that is what the majority wants so would lead to more support for the final group.

    If anything, does it not rub you the wrong way more that K-fans are willing to solely vote for their compatriots to piss international voters off. I've heard that some of the K-fans are pleased that they managed to spoil the line-up. Let's be real, this show highly depended on I-fans engagement so I guess it's expected to see them feel more entitled to the line-up when the ratio of viewers are lopsided towards them and then just because of an absurd ratio, a majority of their picks are now left with no chance of debuting because of attempts by Koreans to vote solely for K-trainees which I guess in itself is not negative but when you couple that with the fact that a portion of that is encouraged by them wanting to spoil the parade for I-fans/highly nationalistic tendencies then well, personally, I think that is quite disturbing. More so than I-fans trying to boost SRQ/Fuya out of spite albeit this is something I wouldn't get behind with either.

    I think what they meant by the group will be flopping with the current line-up is more because of how a survival show, whose entire gimmick is an agglomeration of trainees from three countries vying for a spot to debut in an "international" group, ended with a line-up that is anything but international. If the final line-up maintains this ratio, it would definitely make the final group lose major support from international fanbases (Chinese & Japanese) when let's be honest here, the purpose of creating a multinational group was for the group to be able to tap into profitable overseas markets.

    Regarding the marketability and interesting value issue, eventually, all of that falls back to subjectivity. I don't think Dayeon is more interesting than Hikaru or Mashiro but that's subjective and people can choose to agree or disagree. Saying the top Japanese trainees to be less interesting than Dayeon/Youngeun in itself is a biased statement so, regarding this matter, there's really no right or wrong. As long as someone's not sending death threats to a popular trainee out of spite is good enough. And if people do find the foreign trainees to be more attractive then so be it, it's not like they're choosing to do so out of hatred towards Koreans. (If anything, it's MNet's fault for including that statement basically saying Dayeon is not charismatic + angel edit that led many to believe Dayeon is not that interesting and unworthy of the #1 rank)