Posts by bbgc
The tale of JYP and Hitman Bang splitting over socks is well known, but Hitman Bang was an employee who just decided to strike out on his own. And it was JYP who had made Bang to set up Big Hit , which ran 2AM since JYP was too busy running other acts (which is why 2AM considers both JYP and Bang as their bosses).
So it is more like a calculated split, and Bang would not be where he is now without BTS, which would never have joined JYP.
If I say in the Bang-BTS combo, it is Bang who matters more, which is true of most artist groups, I will attract the ire of ARMY. And also it is difficult thing to estimate separately.
However, starting from g.o.d Bang has a list of successful groups and songs, BTS being the most successful of his creations.
But we will never know if BTS would be as successful as they are, if they were groomed under a different PD, or if they do so in the future.
Whatever caused that split-up, JYPE lost the person, who turned out to be the most successful post-JYPE - be it putting together groups, songwriting, production or even business.
music producers don't necessarily have to be under your company to produce music for your artists tho.
But music makers under your company can make money by producing for your artists, as well as other company artists.
The point is the "talent earning money", for JYPE.
The biggest talent JYPE lost was Bang Si Hyuk,
Artists/idols matter far less than hitmaking producers/songwriters.
But then your senior singer is both.
If JYPE does not have its own success, then there might be regrets, but that is not the case.
Also after 30 years, JYP is a businessman, he has seen many who had the potential to be great fail and failures achieve success, it is a fast moving industry, and regrets are of no use.
If at all, the biggest regret would the parting of Bang SI Hyuk. not only because of BTS, but long before BTS, Bang was delivering many hits to JYPE groups.
Hitmaking PDs are million times more valuable than artists, though they don't get the fan-fame, but have to be satisfied with millions and billions of Kaching.
Every group has its good, bad and ugly. The forum does not make me one of the bad and ugly.
Fanatic loyalty - I give only to family, friend, faith and nation, others are just passing interests. So no I am not a kpop 'fan'
As to 'complex', sure to the simple-minded like you, nuance positions might be complex.
Kpop fans have a poor reputation, rest you can try this video.
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Yes, I see your own botlike functioning where it is always skepticism when its BTS but never when its your fave.
Hun, you may like to believe you are superior and better than Armys and other "mindless" Kpop stans but trust me your posts on this forum reveal you to be no different than any other stan on here.
So we weren't having a conversation, but you were baiting me for a Gotcha, is it.
Thanks, more proof of why Kpop fans have such a bad rep.
Not that I need to give evidence, but still,
I do like IU, and yet her latest left me "meh".
I have no problems saying that
Anyway the deluded can't be reasoned with.
Think whatever you want to.
But now I will know to avoid you.
Could have done that without all the baiting about awards.
The only ones who think BTS get awarded for their popularity are the ones who cannot digest that BTS' music is actually rated better than what their not as popular faves put out.
I know its unfathomable for most on this forum, for very obvious reasons, but people do stan BTS for their quality music and that is why they receive the adulation, acclaim and popularity that they do.
Well we can't know that about anyone for sure.
For example, I think they deserve for songs like Fake Love, Spring Day.. but Dynamite..
But that's my opinion.
And I could very well think that award juries were pressurized in one case, and not in thy other.
Just that I also recognize it is my subjective opinion.
I retain my skepticism either way.
But most of Kpopdom are into binary reductionism. Bots with only two modes and no layers.
Atp everything is useless cause BTS keep winning everything
Nothing wrong with BTS winning, beyond all the crazy fan worship and nonsense, they too are artists.
It is a pity that the substance is distorted by the adulation.
Still they should not be denied recounting for their talents.
Now the question will always arise that whether any award - KMA as well, is given only for their work, or the sheer pressure of the ARMY etc.
That's the price for popularity.
And what do you think about KMAs?
Definitely more credible than MAMA, MMA.
And do range far better variety of music, than fixation with Kpop.
Probably why not that famous with Kpoppers.
I like that it doesn't rely on sales - which is anyway public information.
Or popularity - fan voting, social media likes etc.
But rather on industry professionals.
It is possible that the professionals also have their own biases, but still that the closest possible evaluation of quality, artistry, innovation etc.
And that they are not outright owned by cases like Melon-Kakao or CJ E&M, adds to the credibility.
I don't know how you feel about IU and I'm not gonna assume it as well but can I ask you a question?
Why do you have IU as your avatar and signature? I mean I'm a huge BTS fan and I haven't even bothered to have an avatar or change that weird signature which was meant to be moving but it got stuck. Anyways but that is because I like BTS. Your feelings about IU are unknown but you still keep her as your avatar and signature which are meant to show what or whom you like. Atleast that's what I assume. If your feelings are neutral then you should have kept them blank. This is very complicated so explain it a little.
WhyKnock is a conspiracy theorist and you want logic for the choices?
IU is the object of obsession - not like or dislike.
at that time MMA was NOT considered as serious awards
For example, I consider only Gaon and then GDA to be serious awards, but I am aware that it is not a mainstream opinion. Whereas you seem to live only in your own IUystopia.
Regarding awards and their rules, they change often - they too are business which need to adapt,
But sure whatever feeds your fantasies, as long as it is entertaining, but recently you have not been as good as you used to be, in your Anti-fan-fiction. Buck up.
Since CJ is buying SM, apparently, I think they will give a grand prize to NCT.
Which means IU will be thrown a bone to placate Armys who might get upset.
Same reason IU, shunned by the people at Golden Disk in 2011, was given her first real Grand Prize in 2018 so fans of a certain group would not get too upset by BTS receiving a Grand Prize from there.
Summary, in the weird world of WhyKnock ,
"IU gets awards only as 'safe-no-offense' option for the award orgs. Otherwise she does not deserve any recognition by the Kpop industry."
Industry insider voting is only slightly less irrelevant than fan voting. And such surveys from unknown people, hah anyone can cook up such articles.
The only true metric is digital unique listeners.
Gaon awards got that covered.
Other awards, are still useful - at least MAMA got rid of the fandom votes for 3 of the 4 daesangs(?).
While charts will tell the actual consumption, fans their obsession, what is needed is for experts to judge how a song broke new grounds in terms of music, lyrics, artistry etc., which will not be apparent to public. And need not be popular.
That's where agency insider vote would be good, provided that the qualifications of the jury and the process is objective. Else they will also play up the power-groups.
It is am aggregator chart, don't they aggregate for the down-time and update?
Ought to be simple enough thing to do.
But anyway PAK is yet another fandom bait/trinket.
It will take a powerful fandom to get that fixed.
Has BTS ever lost PAKs for such reasons, then ARMY might invade the Korean-Net to destroy IChart.
Uaenas aren't that large, organized or fanatic.
They will just go "IU has lost more PAKs due to iChart downtimes, than most other Kpop acts have won in their lifetimes"
As usual, the Senior Singer blocks all the new generation.
Well Seventeen beat her in Music Bank(?).
Be happy with that.