wow cool!
Yay a fellow NCTzen/czennie, welcome! :suggestiver:
thank u!
Pretty great
I love your username btw
nice, and yours is great too!
I was into kpop for a couple of years already, but didn't really engage in forums or such before hehe :D
But i feel like a lot of people discovered kpop with pandemic
ohhh nice. i think a lot of people did! it’s a cool experience interacting with only other kpop fans too.
hey welcome! omg i love ur name and username!
yesssss u have taste
thank you! i love your username and profile picture too.
that’s how i got into kpop too, last year at the beginning of the pandemic i was bored and had more free time.
thank you!
There is not a lot here... nice of you to join the forum!
yeah, it’s pretty nice here.
good, wbu?
thanks, and i think they’re pretty good! i listen to them casually sometimes
i play, and watch the big tournaments sometimes.
and thanks!
It's my happy face
oh okay
hello x
Yo Iris!
yo, what’s with the angry face?
HiHo hope you have fun here.... be kind and you will meet a lot of nice people here.
Anyways you have a cool name and I love all of the group you mention
thanks, and it’s cool that you like the same groups as me :)