I lay respects towards your suffering sounds like a nightmarish year fr and thx
Posts by yoshiworldhmm
good luck my friend and don't be a stranger
and good luck on reaching 100,000 posts
if i say its over then it is
and yea, just been focused on studying for sat's and stuff, schools a nightmare
For some weeks i thought you were the same user
Who cares, y'all need to lay off fr
omg you're alive
Barely lmao
Haha, dw she has a steep learning curve
Maybe this vid will help w/ some of the basics:
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it's that kind of mindset that ruins my ranked satan
I dont learn champs in ranked lol, i do it in normals besides I cant even play ranked yet
Ooo okay I'll keep that in mind the next time i play sett
I'm not super good at Akali, but she has a couple of buffers:
There's R-Q, R-E (timing for this to cancel the animation is kinda hard), & R2 has a backwards hitbox so keep that in mind when u E2 (very useful for towerdiving)
E2 does a lot of damage (has a huge AP scaling)
She kinda suffers early game bc of high energy costs, but Dorans shield is pretty good against poke combined w/ second wind
I always take presence of mind for the energy regen
For mythics hextech protobelt is good for gap closing & for ur combos
U can also use her W shroud and E right after & it will leave a mark on the shroud u can return to when u activate E2 (I don't really use it tbh bc E2 does a lot of damage, so ur kinda missing out on damage unless ur confident ur able to kill the squishy quickly & want to use the e2 shroud to get out)
Sorry that's a lot of information
Lots of information is what i need
im playing her rn, feeding 0-10 lets goooooo
one must fall in order to learn
This though.
Ooo that sounds pretty cool. Maybe I should give it a try, I usually go celerity & relentless hunter if I ever need to roam a lot (usually to match an assassin or hook champs whenever they roam mid)
Sett sounds fun, maybe I'll try him
Do u have any trouble ganking with him? He doesn't have a dash but i know his Q provides him some movement speed
Mid: Ahri, Akali, Katarina
Bot: Miss Fortune, Seraphine, Vayne
Supp: Sona, Soraka, Zyra
Yesss go ahead
and no I usually come from their side and use my e to knock them into me and then use q and my teammate finishes them off
hes rlly strong early game so I gank then
solid list
also akali? Ive been wanting to pick her up but shes so hard, do you have any tips for playing her?
teach me senpai
That's actually really big brain omg
Do u take tp & flash for ur summoner spells? Or exhaust & tp bc I feel like w/o flash on support is a bit of an int
Which junglers do u recommend? I've been playing Evelynn but I always end up like 1/5 lmaoooo
Oof that's true, are ur two mains Irelia & Zoe?
I take tp and flash, dont see any point in taking any thing else since with tp i can fast psuh and provide supp to my other laners, i do it in mid too when I feel like my bot or top will feed or have trouble
idrk, the only three jg's i play are yi, Evelyn and sett
I'd recommend yi when he isnt banned and sett is surprisingly good with his q in jg
yep, along with cait and sera bot and sett or irelia top but i play mid most of the time, you?