You literally never addressed my original point which is that HYBE glory is NOT the same as BTS glory so don't expect fans to support Hybe due to some misplaced pride in BTS. HYBE is overly reliant in BTS, yes, everyone can see that. So why did BTS only collectively get 1% of shares when the company went public? Why does Scooter Braun have more Hybe shares than BTS as a group?
I apologize for not addressing your previous point. The two entities will be tied together regardless what you or I think about it. If Hybe can achieve is objectives, most if not all credit will be given to BTS / BangPD from a historical standpoint like Apple (Jobs) or Amazon (Bezos) as an important foundation figure. That's how it will be seen in the business / music world. I shouldn't say fans "need" to support Hybe, what I should say if Hybe did get as big as UMG, etc, many fans would find a way to "flex" on that and rightfully so. That would happen in that scenario.
BangPD did gift his own personal shares to them and gave them the opportunity to buy more. The IT Holdings deal was large deal to acquire Scooter Braun's company and had to issue stock to current IT Holding shareholders. It's not a personal thing or "slight" to BTS, people need to get over that. That's what was needed to get the deal done. So is it being argued that BangPD was sitting back thinking "Damn, I need to screw over BTS when I have to issue appropriate shares to shareholder's of the acquired company? People don't realize what a large scale deal it was for a company like Hybe at the time, it wasn't like the Source Music and Pledis acquisitions in any capacity.
Also, BangPD doesn't have to "gift" BTS shares, there is no set standard on that kind of thing. It's great that he did. Both parties agreed to it and deemed it "appropriate". Could he have given more? Who deems what appropriate? What's appropriate for the fans to be happy? 1% each? 5% each? 10% each? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the share "gift" was given when they signed their current contract before these other deals were done. I'm sure money, etc will come up when the contract needs to be signed and both parties will be happy. Will the fans? Probably not? But it's really not up for us to say, is it?