Posts by huang-renjun
omg you've read the series too?
I'm on Shadowcaster!
Cried when Graywing died in Warriors. He left his little ones after fighting his sickness
Cried when Stanton, Deke, and Nishi died in Zodiac
Cried when Han died in Shattered Realms
Yes, I get emotional over books
Tell Me is a bop
Ateez, anywhere is fine with me
What is a nostalgic Western pop song to you?
For me, I would pick Lady Gaga's 'The Edge of Glory.' My mom always played it in the car so I was forced to listen to it. Nowadays, that song will randomly start playing in my head and I smile a little
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damn ur spicy just like ur bias. i like that and i believe in renjun supremecy
yes renjun supremacy
i feel like some of the minor bullying things don't need to completely cancel an idol and ruin their career. Everyone is an idiot in school, even me. Even the most pleasant people do things they shouldn't have. So.....that's just my take on this whole mess
I'm not loving it, it kinda stresses me out and makes me feel like I've been tricked into believing these acts idols put on when really they're not good people. I know that's not the case for these recent bullying accusations, I KNOW that they're all good people but it makes me unsure what to trust
But if the people speaking up are telling the truth, then that is important. And they should rightfully so be saying something
I'm really scared now-
Ateez and Stray Kids because their music is amazing, they're hilarious, and they're all really sweet
Yeah, pretty accurate
I'm so proud of our boys!
I was having a good day, we were all having a good day-