Can anyone explain to me why BP or any Kpop group needs to "speak up" on racism against Asians when they live in a country that is 99.9% Asian? Lisa is the only one that experiences hate (from Koreans) but this aint even racism since Thais and Koreans are both Asian. Unless they experienced racism in their US or Europe tour dates, they literally never interact regularly with non Asians.
I said the same thing when woke Army was turning on BTS for ignoring BLM. I was like are they freaking stupid? What does BTS have to do with white cops murdering black Americans in broad daylight? If Kpop bands are now responsible for social causes in the US because American fans "buy their music", why the fuck arent American celebrities being held responsible for speaking up about social causes in Korea? After all, Koreans consume a lot of American music, TV, movies, etc that are lining the pockets of these celebrities.