Posts by dokyeomhive

    The amount of "my opinion should matter in your relationship, Jennie unnie!!!" in blinks reactions is disappointing. You need to use your BRAIN and THINK that if they are dating the feelings started when she was an adult. It doesn't matter they knew each other when she was a minor as he was respectful and obviously not interested in her that time.

    What you guys don't understand is that the situation is probably like this: He saw her a couple of times when she was a minor, her situation was that she was a trainee who he cheered for success as everybody does. They didn't saw each other as much as guys want to "think".

    And now they are EQUAL, she is a success working adult, being busy and enjoying her life as an adult so if they felt something, they for sure can initiate any relationship they want, bc despite he being her senior, it's her choice to date him too as yes, she is capable of thinking for herself.

    What intrigued me is why are some trying to paint their relationship as predator or toxic? Just say this news probably ended your delulu or "hopeful" ship, bc this here SHIP is the major reason as why the reactions are severe. Some (not you as I don't know if you ship her with anyone), anyways, some are losing their minds bc Jennie is not dating the one they idealized as her perfect partner...

    the way youre not the only one who is twisting a lot of fans reactions into some bs...the majority are criticizing gd bc we think the relationship is inappropriate. we dont demand anything from jennie bc shes a grown woman; however we have every right to express our concerns

    Possible If I look from this angle. I remember Sistar talking about how rookie female idols should be careful of male seniors as they can take advantage but on the other hand I might as well not give opinions because I rechecked those pics given by Dispatch and they are too funny to prove anything.

    EXACTLY! now whether or not dispatch evidence is true is a different story but my whole point stands if they are right. idrc about gd so if its false which i hope it is, ima move on and let this go

    I’m with you op it’s weird. And why people here acting like it’s kpop fans overreacting, when Liam and cheryl happened it was huge news in my country and everybody was grossed out and discussing the morality of her actions. If anything it’s way smaller in this case bc Korea doesn’t have a problem with it and kpop fans will defend their idol.

    thank you another sane person!!! i saw the netizenbuzz replies and a bunch of knetz were supporting it i wanted to barf <X

    Umm. It's for everyone in this thread using GrOoMiNg and MenTorIng.

    So yeah I can very well read and nah Jennie is grown women she can date whoever she wants to and same goes for GD.

    I dont feel seniority juniority matters when there's chemistry between two people and they enjoy genuinely. But who cares ? The rumours not proven.

    the only ones who are mentioning grooming are the ones who are accusing ppl of calling him a groomer, which no one has done in this thread LOL. also again for the 1000th time im aware jennie is grown im not policing her decisions at all, im expressing my concerns for the ppl who wanna normalize situations like this cause its fucking weird.

    also seniority does matter in a workplace context like this one. someone with seniority especially at gd’s level is capable of taking advantage of a junior-even if said junior is 25. power imbalances always matter in relationships.

    so none of you ever had a crush on someone older or somethin?

    he was born in 88, she was born in 96 it's not that big age gap if you think about it

    its not jennie i have an issue with, she looked up to him cause hes this big senior so having a crush when she was younger is not a big deal. however, it’s inappropriate for gd who was an adult when he met her and as her senior he should draw the line. i used to like that he was a nice senior to the pinks but him dating jennie just leaves a bad taste in my mouth when you consider everything i mentioned.

    So you calling gd a creep and groomer because you ASSUME he's grooming her while he's on the road touring, military and dating all those girls before her, mkay.

    Jenkai happened in 2019 too..

    point me to where i called him a groomer bc i never said he was nor do i think he is. im saying hes WEIRD and creepy. again yall provide nothing insightful, logical or anything that correlates to what im saying; IM BEGGING YALL PLEASE READ IT OVER IF YOUR LITTLE BRAINS NEED TO :pepe-life-support:

    The point is, that it doesn't matter if YOU think it's weird. Jennie is a grown woman now, she is the one that know her all story and is able to decide for herself. I don't know why you guys are acting as if we should know their private things.

    Like i said, she knows (or at least should know) the best what is good for her and what is weird or not. She has her family and friends, that knows her personally and those are the ones that should make a judgement if something is weird.

    yall need to stop using this argument bc it adds nothing insightful or valuable to the conversation. nowhere in my post or my replies am i demanding anything from both of these celebs. im am rightfully expressing my concern bc i can cause the internet is free!!! what are yall gon do about it??? my reason for making posts like this is bc im disgusted at the amount of ppl on this website who think situations like this are ok.

    no one has an issue with the age gap alone. its the the fact that he knew her since she was a child + the power imbalance + the age gap. all of that makes the situation very inappropriate and WEIRD. in situations like this, people should be called out because its should not be normal. if you as an adult saw someone literally go through puberty and suddenly have romantic feelings for them when theyre available and of age you are questionable. im not condoning ppl calling him names such as a groomer bc i dont think thats what it is in this specific situation but he deserves to be called out for this WEIRDO behavior. hes a grown ass man so hes gonna be called out like a grown ass man. jennie is grown as well, she can make her own decisions and no one expects her to listen to us, but you cannot be mad at ppl for being rightfully concerned. :pepe-back-away:

    R u saying it would be fine if jennie dated a guy that was same age as gd but didn't see her grow up like he did?

    jennie is 25 so i think dating someone seven years older (like gd) would be nowhere near as bad as dating someone who saw u grow up when they were a grown adult and then suddenly is romantically interested in u now that youre both single and youre of age. if they were in different companies and they started dating now then i wouldnt be as concerned, i’d still think there would be a power imbalance but its not as bad since youre from different companies. so to answer your question then yes i think it would be okay, a little weird but not as bad.

    Then why are you so mad?? I get you think it's weird that GD knew her since she was underage, but it's their life, we are no one to judge their relationship if they're both consenting adults. She's not even 18 or 19 ffs, she's 25. 5 years from now on she'll be 30, let her live her life.

    the way the age gap isnt even the issue. its the fact that he was an adult who was !!21!! when he met her and is now suddenly romantically interested in his JUNIOR? weird as fuck no matter how u look at it considering their history.