Posts by thinkact
Lol I almost missed this thread because I didn’t know you were talking about nct winwin. Yes he’s beautiful and awesome.
I wanna see him act. He looks like a mix of im siwan and kim soo hyun (the actor from my love from the stars).
Also, talented af.
“Winwin is amazing. I'm sure you can tell just by looking at these pictures. From the whole China, he's one of the top classic dancer. Another Chinese trainee claimed that Winwin's audition was legendary and that he learned a lot about classical dance from Winwin. Not only that, Winwin went to the same dance academy that Tang Wei went to, which is known for it's high standards. SM Ent insisted they had to bring him to their company and even flew 9 times in order to recruit him.
He majored in Chinese Classic Dance in middle school and always became the top of his class = He graduated in 2 years, which is earlier than normal
-He got accepted in The Central Academy of Drama (One of China's top 3 art school). The acceptance rate is 194:1, he ranked 10th and got accepted.
-He ranked 1st in Beijing Dance Academy (The best dance academy in China)
-He also ranked 1st in China's biggest dance exam”
He definitely has a certain vibe on top of that handsomeness that gives him a certain x-factor.
A user here commented before that sm’s songs always have that rising crescendo high note thing that’s usually done by their main vocalist(s), sometimes they have two or more high notes. If that’s the case, I don’t think it’s healthy for them to overdo it by constantly singing and dancing live.
If I’m not wrong, sm reserves live vocals for special performances (unplugged sessions, guestings on certain shows) and paid concerts.
Anyway I’ve always thought that it made sense that a company who cares the most about vocals would also be more careful with what they feel would be their vocalists’ most important asset, their voices/vocal chords.
Because it would ensure that they would have a longer career, I think it’s more humane. (Not that I think that sm is a humane company though lol they probably just want to be able to continue using their idols for a long time).
Having all my slip ups or immature mistakes being used by haters and bored netizens to hate on me and villainise me. Have every insensitive thing i said or incident where I was human (snappy, bad-tempered cos hangry) years ago or maybe even now, being brought up again and again as if I’m supposed to have a perfect personality and character from birth. For instance, there are lots of things that I know only now, after I got into kpop, that are wrong to say and do (especially socially sensitive issues).
And if all that was happening while at the same time, like 90% of people everywhere, I’ve just been trying and doing my best to be a good human being as much as I know how, while being sleep deprived, hungry cos I have to be skinny and exhausted.
I think it’s this that would cause me to become really depressed.
I can’t believe Shotaro hasn’t been mentioned. He’s so young but already a dancing veteran, he started learning when he was 5 and before nct, he did backup for legendary Japanese acts like Gackt.
Some testimonials from his former dance schoolmates.
“Shotaro was a top-class dance in our school. He danced as a backup for many artists, even GACKT. His dance doesn’t go wrong, but the isolation, toe usage, and the feeling of grooves are already different and awesome. Shotaro was always kind and gentle, he treated everyone without discrimination.”
“He’s a person who truly loves dancing and continues to work hard. I understand that Shotaro was recognized by SM and put into NCT. I think you be able to see why he is on stage. Shotaro dances brightly as if it was the most fun thing in the world.
And he is a person who will surely grow and receive more stimulation within NCT. Since he is a very good person, i hope that all of you still supporting Shotaro”
Anyway to answer the question, Taemin, kai, ten, Shotaro, Taeyong, Jisung, Seulgi are some of my picks, not in any particular order.
Carats: pretty chill and nice.
Nctzens: whacky sense of humour, trolls their faves as a way of showing their affection.
Blinks: can be combative and scary when defending their faves. Many of them seem to heavily bias Jennie and Lisa.
Exo-ls: i used to have this theory that exo attracts a lot of creative/witty introverts. I think til today, the memes exo-ls created are still funniest to me. But they (especially Korean exo-ls) can be kinda crazy in a bad way too, judging from some of the things I’ve read. Most of them seem to really hate sm. Seem to have calmed down a lot after their forced hiatus (read somewhere that sm forced a hiatus on them for a year not sure if true) and enlistments, so it looks as if fandom became more mature. Surprisingly resilient considering they’ve had members leaving, dating “scandals”, marriage with kid “scandal”, no group comebacks for a while etc yet their popularity indicators are up there, behind bts but still top 5 with actively promoting younger boygroups.
Armys: can be rather delusional in that they think they really think that they’re the biggest victim/whole world is out to get them and that bts is the most talented at everything. The way they talk sometimes remind me of the more delusional followers of popular youtubers and trump supporters. Many of them seem to be bighit stans. Nothing against the group though, but many of the fans (not all of course) are really some of the most obnoxious I’ve ever met.
Onces: compared to Blackpink, their fanbase seems more Asian and male, although I read somewhere that it’s actually quite evenly divided between male and female. But I have a bad impression of the male fans from their reactions when mina, momo and chaeyoung’s dating news came out.
Reveluv: don’t know why but have met a lot of akgae trolls from this fandom in forums and comment sections.
He’s looking good!
I don’t really follow Hwasa but if it’s not flattering and just a look full of trends, then yes that’s exactly what I’m talking about lol.
That the makeup artists and stylists sometimes just follow trends without considering whether it’s flattering for the idol.
He’s got a clean baby face like im siwan with a tall and lanky build that wears clothes well. If only sm would promote him properly.
Plus, he’s actually talented. He’s a talented visual though many wouldn’t know.
- He majored in Chinese Classic Dance in middle school and always became the top of his class. He graduated in 2 years, which is earlier than normal.
-He got accepted in The Central Academy of Drama (One of China's top 3 art school). The acceptance rate is 194:1, he ranked 10th and got accepted.
-He ranked 1st in Beijing Dance Academy (The best dance academy in China)
-He also ranked 1st in China's biggest dance exam