I tend to credit a lot of the idols look to having the best make up artist and stylist. We all know make up plays a large part in how someone looks and even clothes can make you look better/worst. I've seen idols in very "comfortable" clothes and idols without make up and while most aren't "ugly" and still very pretty, they definitely don't look god/goddess visual status all the time. I feel there are a lot of "regular" people who are pretty and I'm confident given the same stylist and make up artist, they will also look like the prettiest humans in the world.
actually kinda agree with this point, I think many "average" people have the ability to look decent with the proper styling and make up.
that doesn't take away from idols beauty ofc, everyone have their own charms, cause of the nature of their job and with all eyes being on them, idols often have to be "presentable", while most commoners don't have as much pressure or as many professionals to take care of their looks
btw I'm glad you shared your opinion, despite hesitating 
But I never let this get in the way of enjoying kpop. I see the hobby as a fantasy, much like enjoying playing video game or watching a movie. I'll praise my faves like they're the prettiest, kindest, hardest working humans in the world, but it's all part of me partaking in the hobby itself but in reality, I'm very well aware and is conscience of all the issues you've mentioned but being realistic about it is no fun lol
fair enough, as long as it's enjoyable
I also don't get the whole idol are the hardest working praises. I'm sure the job is hard hard but so is just about every other job out there. Take for example, nurses, especially during the pandemic with only a fraction of the pay the top idols get.
I definitely think idols are very hard working, and I find fans praising them for their hardwork a sweet and rewarding gesture. I do aknowledge some other jobs can be just as challenging or more, but idt praising idols takes away from that.
I think my point in op has been misunderstood, I didn't mean I found issue with posts like "oh x idol is the sweetest, nicest, most hard working etc" those are normal and cute imo. what I usually find disturbing is some fans' need of downgrading the rest of people first, acting like their bias is the only decent human being left on earth on smtg. I find it cringe and unecessary, you don't have to talk about how everyone around you sucks or no one would do this or that gesture just to praise your bias for doing it, when it's actually not even a big deal.